Tree of Savior Forum

Cyclone is Bugged after maintenance/update

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Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 10:50 am

Server Name: Silute SA

Team Name: Eidyn

Character Name: Aurelia

Bug Description : Cyclone was not implemented as announced for this update and it is bugged right now, +33% attack speed is not working.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Use Cyclone

Screenshots / Video :

I start quoting one of the changes IMC announced:


  • Attack speed increased by 33%.**

And it’s not working, it has not been implemented, it’s as slow as always.

Proof of that, for example, this is from yesterday, no buffs or anything, same conditions as today, same map, same mob, etc

Stats for the skill were these:

This is from today after maintenance, no buffs, same equipment, mob, map, etc as above,

Skill stats today,

Bottom line, they just reduced duration time, the +33% attack speed WAS NOT implemented, therefore, right now Cyclone is bugged.


it says +33% aspd, not -33% animation time/delay per rotation,though.
Guess Doppels got IMCed good :smiley:

Really? @STAFF_Letitia help us X.X

in your second video, every 3rd hit does 2 hits. Is it a visual glitch or that is how it was implemented?

This is how 33% attack speed should look and work,

IMC needs to fix this asap.


IMC screwed my entire character lol

ok, that is a visual glitch then.

just for your infos test it with DOV because the guy in Ktos use it aswell

what, in both videos you did the same amount of hits.

That is the point. Second video is after the patch, it should have done 33% more hits

Yes, it doesn’t make any sense, a little more damage overall after the update but +30% attack speed does not work, neither the speed of the animation. I don’t know what they did, hahah, it’s a disaster.

Not only is the atk speed not here, the spin duration is still 7.5 s and the AoE ratio is still the same. Seems like an old copy paste patch before the doppel rebuff.

lol they just fixed the DOV + auttoattack bug.

They are actually supposed to give it a 33% atk speed buff and extra AoE attack ratio after the auto atk bug fix.

So, perhaps next week they will bring it as intended… Doesn’t makes sense.

Off-topic but did/could someone try out if the DoV+GM stacking is still a thing?

Did they removed the passives of Redel, Zornhau and Zucken?
People was exploiting this. Getting lv6 those skills and then using a skill reset potion to have the attribute.

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:confused: :confused: :anguished: Eh?

Thank you for the information and the videos! We are in the process of checking what happened.

I will update you when I know more.


This is not an exploit actually, it is a normal feature, it requires you to have the skill at 6 just to learn it then you can remove the skill levels and it won’t remove the attribute itself, same goes with bash :slight_smile:

To me smells like exploit.