Tree of Savior Forum

Compensation for whom?


I want to know what IMC think for “compensation” because they just give us tons of tomes.
I’m already lvl 330, I don’t need all this tomes.
I don’t want more tomes or resets, we need some seriously corrections in drop system and stop give us tons of exp boosters every time, now this is why tos have so much players in late game with NO EQUIPMENTS.

So if somebody read this topic, my suggestion is:

Back to % drop rate, but increase % of items drop and increase silver amount drop.
Change dungeon system:
Put different modes for dungeon bosses like Easy/Normal/Hard and different drops for each difficult.
No more gambling cubes in dungeon, that forces the player only rush dungeons for cubes and spend tons of silver for talts.
Make dungeon boss drop items with % for each difficult and different drop.
Make bosses harder, no more solo dungeons in 5 min, make bosses and loots more significants.

And please again…WE DON’T WANT MORE ■■■■ EXP TOMES!!


What is left of the game if they just give everyone end game gear over a glitch that they’ve already corrected?

Do you want to play the game, or sit around Klapeida fully geared and doing nothing because they just decided everyone gets 315 orange gear for having been alive after a bug?

Take the vouchers/tomes or don’t, that’s not their fault. They at least tried to offer you something, whether or not you liked it.

Can I troll this thread? It smells like troll, but I don’t feel like paying the toll.

People abuse bugs, get punished and who didn’t get compensated and still complain about freebies?

I wonder if my sense of logic is weird now.

And my own opinion here, If I worked at IMC I would strongly suggest to not give any compensation.

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And the ones like me who did not abuse the glitch (i was working) and got to my house and couldnt play the only time of the week im free enough time to play this game, cause some people abused a glitch

i do agree with OP, drop system should be fixed, dpk is stupid

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It’s always like that, some go and do something wrong and whoever comes after get screwed lol.

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Go level another character, you have one character at lvl 330, cool, what about the others or you have a full lodge at lvl 330 already?

I would like for them to actually give something that would give 2x drop rate instead of exp boost, the 315 mats are really hard to farm, but well.

  • 4 Instance Dungeon Reset Vouchers
  • 15 Instance dungeon Multiply Token (14 Days)
  • 6 Instance dungeon One Entry Voucher (14 Days)
  • 42 hour Token time extension

Those aren’t useful to 330 characters? Why so fixated on just the exp tomes (which you can craft into x8’s that last forever and can be used when they add rank 9).

U can read? Cuz I don’t say anything about give us free gears.
I only suggest stop make high lvl noobs and change de drop system and apply more challengers bosses.

I actually feel fine with the multiply tokens

apparently on ktest thats what they are doing with world bosses.

I don’t thing that imc need give us a compensation because bad players.
But I don’t agree with current system.

Nice suggest bro, but we need a new dungeon system too.

IMC already give us free 330 characters with 100-steps event + Luck anvil event, really is crazy with 2 ou 3 days u can go lvl 1 to lvl 330.
I agree with drop event, not because bug compensation but in future this will be nice.

Because every time that game have a bug or maintenance IMC give this shits.
I want a correct drop system, more challengers, I don’t now about u but I don’t is correct for a mmorpg rush lvl players every week.

It’s a mmorpg, I don’t think to give exp boost to players is correct.
that create a tons of noobs players that never will know about all quests and all content that is ignored because they jump direct to late game.

in short we need a proper “End Game” content

Just craft the tomes into 8x ones and keep them for when R9 drops, bro.

They’re basically giving you a fresh free lvl 330 character with those compensations.

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