Tree of Savior Forum

CommanderLoad Fail>>>>> SEA(Telsia) server

EDITED: fixed…

darn. me to…

I think everyone is having this CommanderLoadfail issue now… better make some actions im pissed coz im trying to catch up levels

If this takes too long, some compensation would be good. :persevere:

They should make new server for kleipedians and orshans… We telsai people are living fine until they arrive…

I think SEA server is down as of the moment as it shows a yellow triangle in the status.

it’s 12.30AM there, IMC is sleeing right now. give em some time :mask:

Even my alt who stays at klaipeda town got stuck with commander too. WTH is this again IMC. @Staff_Julie

they already owe us compensation whats the use asking for more when they refuse to give .

Commanderloadfail also…

I got nothing to lose asking so why not.

Every posts are 1minute ahead of each other… maybe all that are just logging in will experience this… please fix this ASAP!

Commander of Telsial. ASSEMBLE!!!

true that. we have nothing more to lose only our daily runs that will reset soon

@motamer02 all those who switch channel / move to a new zone will experience it from what i know as i switch character and got booted out

you guys forgot to cook rice and do laundry now commander is pissed

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same here stuck at this commanderloadfail.

now the server is closed :smile:

  1. Bought Founder’s Pack for $20.
  2. Created a character and tried logging in.
  3. “CommanderLoadFail” …

how long more we need to wait?
did they even noticed?