Tree of Savior Forum

Commander load fail TELSAI(SEA)

bloody…this bugs me for >1hr trying already!

initially commander fail
now stuck at loading page…
wth is happening?
paying but now able to paly at all

COMMANDER FAIL EVERYWHERE , wtf with this commander

There is no IMC staff looking at this or what? At least send someone to reply on what is going on please. It feels like idiot reporting bug but get no response at all.

I gueaa its a weekend sooo none… its almost 2 days and still the same problem

Tree of Commanderloadfail

It was fixed! At least for me :slight_smile:

Commander Load Fu ck

RIP SEA Telsiai.

Date and Time : 2/5/2016 08:51 AM EDT

Sever : [SEA] Telsiai
Team Name : Edhelharn
Character Name : Maleeka
LAST MAP : Mage Dungeon
Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Joy
Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Get eror : CommanderLoadFail
  2. System did auto logout character

Another Commander Load Fail again

ToS Episode 5 : Commander LoadFail Strikes Back

Same just now what is happening

commander, we’re back.

Can’t log in at all. CommanderLoadFail.

My dungeon runs and mission is wasted.

1 Like

commander bloody load fail ._.
the vubble commanders are invading tos…

I don’t see commanderloadfail. I see channels closed :joy:

after commander load fail…they closed for fix?

Its up now.


I am still getting Commander Load Fails in dungeon auto parties.

Just tried it too, still commander load fail

But there are times that I get into parties successfully without the commander fail. I would love to hear statements from IMC regarding this issue.