Tree of Savior Forum

Client freezes constantly

Well i rechecked it again, and it seems i do get my rewards, but i don’t remember how many cubes i got before. I didn’t get exp because its 270 instance and my level is 352. My multiplier token is consumed, together with my entries. Luckily the party members completed the dungeon before i restarted the game, at least thats what i think. I couldn’t re-enter fast enough though, the option did not show up, so i thought the instance is already closed. Can i still get the rewards and exp if i just enter the instance and leave, but others will complete it anyway?

How many times should i check it? It is something i set up, and nobody reconfigured my connection otherwise i would know. This is the same question tosmanager2 used to ask in a Support Ticket reply. I don’t have connection problem with other games (Overwatch, PoE, Rainbow Six Siege).
I play on Fedimian, the server is located in Frankfurt, Germany. I play from Hungary, which is pretty close. I have a Fiber Power 600M connection, i am not using WiFi and my ISP is UPC Hungary. My ping:

I only experience connection issues once in a while, but somehow nowadays are different. But it only happens in dungeons/instances.
The other day me and my guildies doing challenge mode in sausy room 9, everything was fine, than in the next run (together with some randoms) the whole party desynced at stage 4, and had to do it again.
Another time, i was farming coins in uphill, the whole party got desynced and dc’ed except me, though i somehow teleported down to the edge of the map. We were in the 20th or 22th round. Uphill slowly becoming an infamous instance for players because of this constant desyncs. I see too often players who reports he/she is desynced and keep on asking if the run is over or not.

If you get desynced (which is a connection problem, you somehow lost the connection to the “channel server”) the ToS heartbeat/keepalive timeout is 5 minutes.

If they complete the dungeon within this time you do get rewards if you doesn’t close the client.

If they take too long you’ll be kicked by servers.

If you close the client you will notify the servers you closed the other 2 connections and they will drop your characters on the “channel server” as well.

If you got disconnected either by taking longer than 5 minutes with the client open after a desync or by closing the game you’re offline server-side. If you’re not online for the servers and inside the instance on the channel server there’s no reward but the runs won’t be consumed nor multipliers.

You’ll only get rewards by being online server-side and being inside the instanced dungeon.

Sorry, I clicked reply accidentally. This is too big, I’ll just make a new post since I feel this can be valuable for your case and this makes sure you get a notification.

Did you happen to be playing as a falconer or had a falconer in party?

That makes the problem a little strange.

Here’s what happens usually with the desyncs (I might be wrong):
A) You did something you’re not supposed to, somehow. Mainly due to internet lag or sudden lag spike/instability. Then your connection is dropped by the server.

B) Communication between server and client somehow had a desynchronization and your connection was dropped by the server when you sent something you weren’t supposed to. Mainly due to internet lag or sudden lag spike/instability or way too many things happening at the same time in your screen.

C) You simply lost connection for a period and for some reason this caused another thing that made it impossible for your game to receive everything that happened and at some point you did something you’re not supposed to. Connection dropped by server. Usually bad connection/instability.

On the other hand, the server could be the problem. Or even the routes.

If you’re sure the routes aren’t the problem, then… (for example, can’t really group/find patterns from most people affected - like different ISP, countries, countries that should end up in another route etc)

You should write tickets to IMC.

What you said to us before was pretty much: “I’m having connection problems.”

Now we figured: “Multiple people are having connection problems, mostly on instances and on similar times.”

So, what type of tickets should you send? The ones with most details you can get. I know it’s annoying, “not your job” but it’s the best way to get your problem fixed.

For example: I’m sure you’re doing uphill runs on an “Enter Now” instance but the support won’t guess that accurately for you. It doesn’t hurt to give them the info.

About other instances desyncs. Get the name of everyone that was in the instance with you, the server time the desync happened, explain what happened. Desync again? Try a ticket again.

If anything, you can make posts here on forums as well.

For example I insisted when our party was having Earth Tower desync problems and I got this answer:

Sure. Desyncs still happens on Earth Tower, unfortunately. But I definitely feel they improved compared to these old times.

The more information you can give their team, down to minimal details like hour and minute when happened, what channel, who actually got the same desync, the better. This information is what will be used to check what’s happening.

Remember: They actually have a hard time to reproduce these connection problems since they don’t have these connection problems themselves.

It’s like trying to show a problem on your computer to the support/technician and then right when you’re talking to the person the problem just doesn’t happen at all and everything seems normal.

Just make sure you’re not pressing on desyncs caused by aiming+cirlcing+0 AoE defense ratio bugs since that’s going to be not applicable next week when the 0 AoE Defense Ratio mechanic will be removed.

I still believe this isn’t an issue only on the player’s end.
Because most people play several games. Personally, I have no issues on any other games. I can play big open-map PvP with high settings and I don’t even suffer any lag. I always play around the same hours. I’m the only one using the net. I don’t use the wifi but a direct connection.
Yet, on TOS, I randomly get desynched. Some weeks it’s fine, some other weeks it’s terrible.
Playing at “Low Mode” can help a bit sometimes, but it feels really random. A few days ago I was farming mobs on an empty map, mostly using Laima statue and Possession, then after 1h30 I got desynched.
I complete Uphill on my Falconer 3 and Diev 3-PD with no issues. But when I did it on my BM (Falcon-less) I got desynched twice on every runs ‘-’

I mean, if there’s a Cryo 3 using Frost Tree and Ice Walls, I can understand if I get hard or soft disconnected. But when there’s nothing happening on screen (like when I’m in town just walking), it’s weird. It’s weird to lose a connection when nothing much is happening. It’s like a soft crash, some data failing to be transmitted. Maybe TOS just dislikes some ISP, rude ;__;

Although I’m curious to know where the people on this thread live. Maybe it’s related to that~

A fun thing is that one of my friends almost never get this freeze, but he instead get the “suddenly walking super duper fast and nothing is working” bug. For me it’s the opposite. Another friend almost only get the desynch with the chat (another thing: why when the chat get desynched the normal chat still works ? Different server or something ?)

To be honest. Since I play on Klaipeda from Brazil I simply use VPN whenever I’m playing. I almost never have desync problems. They do happen but really rare.

About the uphill party, did anyone else in the map by chance had a falconer or Frost Pillar or etc anything that could cause desync? Your game still gets update from things happening slightly offscreen and someone can cause you to desync even if it’s not your character.

The “walking fast bug” happens when your connection is dropped somehow when changing maps. The chat one is similar to the channel desync one.

One thing I already noticed though, sometimes a node on Mudfish is bad in certain days and I need to change servers. When I’m on these days where it’s unstable or lagging I’m more likely to get desync or have the chat issue.

It could be somehow due to how ToS connection work, maybe it’s somewhat a badly designed serialized thing that can fall into race condition issues, making it more likely to suffer from instability on connection. Maybe it’s something else.

I really feel the best way to approach this is to gather data and send tickets if you can, especially when it happens to multiple people have the same type of desync at similar times or same type of instances >_<

Nope, nobody had them.
I know some skills can cause issues (Falcon, Frost Pillar, Cleave is a come and go issue) but the funny thing is that I almost never have issues with these skills~
Yet even if I’m alone on a map I can get desync. All alone not as in “I don’t see anybody”, but I check if there are people on the channels.

I see~ I get my friend sometimes has connection issues. Makes sense for him I guess since he shares his connection with his whole family.

That’s why I’m asking about their location. That other guy said he’s from Hungary, and I actually also live in Europe. So maybe Europe isn’t liked much by TOS or something '-'
I try to find a “pattern” to understand the issue, but it seems completely random, that’s the problem XD
Last time I wanted to do old quests on my support Wizard who mostly AA (Pyro 2-Thaum 3-Chrono 3), the channels were empty, and after 10 minutes only I desynched '-'
Although the desynchs seem to happen less often when it’s early (4-6 AM server time).
Those mysterious issues feel like we have a game within a game \o/

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i usually get desynched on empty channels when something is updating in the background

about the random aspect of the game’s bugs. the semi-locking to 30 fps made by windows 1709 update that affects nvidia gpus had specific locations at specific times on 100% triggering the fps drop

like even if i emptied the same area(not graphics heavy) and just try to run around it. it will 100% trigger the locked fps loss

it’s as if retained the triggering mechanism the first time you trigger it(exploding mobs, multi-hit skills etc) . and goes away after some time.

after a while it will just stop doing that

and then it happens on some other place

this is now fixed by a recent february windows update