Tree of Savior Forum

Client crashes after log in

Lies, I have Better Quests active right now and I am in-game just fine. Rather, you folks having issues should check if you have any “chat” related add-on(s) active as those are the highest likely cause of your game crash(es) due to the chat system being overhauled by this patch. Lastly, verify your game file integrity thru Steam as a possible last resort before heading over here.

It’s supposed to be “common knowledge” to make sure you have a clean copy (this means removing any addons prior to patching EVEN IF they wouldn’t directly affect the files of the game) of the game prior to any major updates/patches.

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Mine was crashing on better quest I’ve added a “- -” and worked fine, but there is no why using better quest since now we can see all quests avaliable for us in each map.

PS: I have only installed map fog, monsters frame and better quest.

Uninstall addons: Extended UI, classic chat, persistent chat, Context Menu Additions

READ. This directly answers all of your inquiries.

A direct quote: (specifically as to why you SHOULD KEEP THAT MOD on)

“Hopefully I didn’t miss anything. The kTOS quest update changes aren’t really a replacement for betterquest. They compliment each other.”


“You’re probably right but I’ll still keep it because I like to make sure I don’t miss anything. Also, this change may break the addon all together. “On the Quests information window, only quests from your character’s current map and maps connected to it will be shown now.” BetterQuest is the only way to view quests you haven’t picked up from other maps so I’m assuming this change was directed towards that.”

Anyway, for me, no point in keep better quest anymore.

Nobody ever said you had to; but “Better Quests” is definitely not the culprit because most of us that had the decent sense to “clean” our game folder prior to the patch and only re-install after the fact literally had NO ISSUES (didn’t re-install the chat mods for very obvious reasons).

I think you didn’t get it, let me quote my own reply:

If you don’t have issue with it, you can keep it, but for me crash my game.
Now you get it?

yo man thanks I already fix mine :smiley:

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Here’s my issue with your statement: you were spreading misinformation that the add-on “Better Quest” will crash your client (not may/not maybe) and that you clearly said “you must disable it” as a matter of fact.

You’re spreading misinformation.

It is your own copy of the game that’s messed up somehow (probably due to you, not taking precautions prior to the patch), as of this writing, only you have had issues with this exact mod.

My copy is clear, very clear. Ii have an old version of excrulon addon, so(again) for me worked.

How I isaid I’m only using 3 addons and NO MORE. Misinformation or not WORKED for ME.

Took a bit of tinkering to find out which addons still worked for me. Here’s what I got so far:

  • advanced skill tooltips
  • colored item names
  • cwfarmed
  • enhanced collection
  • exp viewer
  • item drops
  • map fog viewer
  • monster frames
  • monster tracker
  • show invested stat points
  • tool tip helper

I’ve used them all together and my game didn’t crash past the team lodge.

Dont try to log in just delete game and install mario still better than this.

Yeh Disabling the “Better Chat” addon got my game working

this helped, turned out it was Context Menu Additions for me as texted on my 2nd computer.

But on my other one, I did the validate thing and it did help…but it made ALL mods disappear and none of them will load

I had to uninstall all my mods and then reinstall them after validating.
It seems like basically any mod that deals with the chat box or ■■■■■ with the UI is going to crash the game.

But most of the chat box mods were implemented into the actual game though so it’s fine really.

(And the auto block and report bots mod still works though)