Tree of Savior Forum

Clarification of the [PP] Hair Coupon

Anyone know if the hair coupon applies to the HAIRSTYLES (i.e. gothic lolita, romantic bun, side ponytail, etc…) or only to the default hairstyles of the WIGS (the ones u get in char select)?


+1. I wanna know too.

Only for the hairstyles.

Option to use coupons is locked when you only try to buy a wig.


Virtually everyone feels cheated!

[PP] Free Hair Cupon, [PP] Hair 50% Off Cupon , Free Hair Cupon & Free Hair Cupon (30 Days)
They only serve to change or buy this

[PP] Free Hair Dye Cupon, [PP] Hair Dye 50% Off Cupon, They only serve to change or buy this


If someone else felt cheated should comment.


And somehow, people are surprised that IMC would do this.

It’s interesting that IMC made a distinction between a hairstyle, which is not an equipable item, and a wig, which you can see you in your equipment tab.

Semantics aside, it’s another one of those instances where IMC didn’t quite communicate the difference properly.

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Can u change the colour of the new hairstyle later ? or do u have to buy the style again ?

You can buy a new color with 17tp, no need to buy the style again. I’m not sure though if you can keep the color you first had or you have to buy again if you want to change the color back.

You won’t keep the color you had first when you buy the new color for the hairstyle. When you buy the new color, you still need to click on the hairstyle again then click on the color, but it will only charge you for the color. Did it to one of my characters.

I also want to ask what if you already had a previous hairstyle from the barber shop and you bought another hairstyle. Will you be able to equip the previous hairstyle again without buying it again?

I used my coupon (not the ppshop) and the colors i had for titles (white crafteo, black for killing mob, etc) disappeared, the colors come back only if i use a wig, i think that they should allow to use the colors that one already i had, it does not seem fair to me.

at least they should make this hair characterbound unequipable or give u ur basic wig to get ur achievment stuff back

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