Tree of Savior Forum

Catagoon build help

I’m thinking of going: Sword>Pelt2>Cata3>Dragoon2

I just think it would be a fun build, and a tankier dragoon build that could be fun in pvp as well. Is this crazy or still respectable?

Sword2/Pelt 1. Cata3 Rush is worthless in pvp without restrain.

I wouldn’t say worthless more like the opponent has more of a chance to get away from you if they don’t have bloodletting, prophecy, beak mask. But if they have 1 of those doesn’t matter if restrain or not, until their buff runs out.

Try to pvp without using restrain at all, then comback here and post your rankings.

I’d say it’ll be in your best interest over all if you have restrain in pvp.

i am doing sw2 / pelt 1 currently level 170.

I am on the verge of re rolling. i am having doubts if level 5 restrain give me adequate stuns for pvp. In fact i prefer using 2handed rather than investing on another shield

But my concern is that If i will to do S3/Cat3/dragoon2, how do i fare for ET in end game plays for pve.

then it means restrain is a must for Cata3 build. Cata3 is fearsome because of that combo.

Well the build is meant for PVP so it is only natural youre weaker when it comes to end game dungeons but for me transcendence can fix your damage problem. Just think of a way to get tons of silvers, then buy blessed shards. Im pretty sure you can manage in ET using dragoon 2 as long as you have high level of transcendence.

In my experience lv5 restrain and rush is enough to complete the full rush on them without them fighting back. Coz you got 30% stun and -12 movement speed and +20 movement speed from trot and constant stagger which interrupts their skill casts constantly. There is nothing they can do. They might get to move slightly, but it’s useless because you’re so much faster than them.

But I mean, where you may have problem is when you VS another cata goon, so in that case because 30% stun isn’t enough for full stun lock (and they’re resistant to stagger), they might get to perform some action which interrupts your rush…such as an impale (and if they used something other than impale you would still be okay, cuz it wouldn’t end rush). But honestly, that’s the exception and not the rule.

THanks… i decdied to reroll for S3 though Haha! hope this work out.

Good luck with your S3 variant lol.

After I got rekt by an SR rank8, I wonder if I should get a shield lol

You can make Restrain lv.8 by using Durandal when buffing + Seedmia Gem.

The great thing with Sw2 Pel1 is the flexibility of being able to go full offensive (2h spear) and semi-tank (spear + shield).

Here’s why:

Another great CC skill w/ two overheats:

You may not feel that much power in early levels except that having Swashbuckling is QoL stuff and may make your leveling easier compared to going Sword3 - BUT as soon as you hit 315 you’ll be able to use this shield or much better this (as soon as orange recipes are implemented).

But can’t Sword3 use shields too if they want?

Yes, but not as effective as a build w/ at least a rank in Pel1 due to the shield-centric skills and attributes I’ve linked above.

I understand it has somewhat become a joke before about how Pel1 is only for Swashbuckling, but R8 changed that.

The only con would be that you won’t benefit from Cata’s block pen attribute when in spear-shield stance but it’s something that can be solved by Yellow gem on gloves and block pen gear (most post-270).

IMO the min-max builds for PVP Cataphract right now are as follows:

  • Goon route: Sw2 Pel1 Cata3 Goon2
  • Lancer route: Sw3 Cata3 X Lancer (most popular for X: Corsair, Dragoon, Dopel - pick one depending on your playstyle)

As a Sw3 Cata3 Goon2, I’ve been having regrets not going Sw2 Pel1 or Sw3 Cata3 X Lancer. Anyhoo, no point regretting since my char was already Goon1 before R8 came and if I was gonna be Lancer, I should be Corsair for R7 IMO.


Well if you have pelt 1…you will get 2900 block when using c guard…95% they cant penetrate that…and +500 p def…(like getting an aspersion buff)…then you can position your self to sneak a dethrone through their face😁

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But what about the insane block buff from pelt2 (high guard)?

How so?

Also let me clarify, I’m not going for a pure pvp build here, or else I’d have incorporated corsair. This is just supposed to be a decent pve build that can hold its own in pvp, while not be build to be #1. I’ll rely on skill more to make up for lack of build. Also, the build just sounds fun to me, which is nice. Pelt2 would allow me to tank more in pve when roaming around with my friend.

I don’t plan on going hoplite at all.

Getting pelt2 just for block is a super waste…150 to 200 block is nothing…I also have a pelt3 with high guard 10…I rarely use it…compare that high guard to restrain 5 additional p barier and concentrate…no contest…

Specially in 290+ maps…you wont be needing that additional block…restrain have more use than that if you wanna solo kill mobs in those parts…

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The chain knockdowns on a lot of those mobs too. P. Barrier really comes super handy. IIRC there’s an upcoming buff/attribute that extends it’s duration in kTOS.