Tree of Savior Forum

Caster cleric class possible?

Interested in making a cleric as my 2nd character, but from videos, it just looks boring where most of their fighting is just holding Z after stacking a bunch of buffs on themselves. I wanna use skill moves.

Is there any viable magic focused build? and check the simulator, i made my caster cleric and so far it is fun, bad side is, there are few skills that hit flying enemies (except bosses, they are hit by anything).

Most Cleric tree classes do magic damage actually.

Krivis have Zaibas.
Priest Aspersion (relevant once Chaplain)

Bokor with Hex/Effigy and C3 skills.
Diev have owl statue

Paladin can do it with Barrier.
Sadhu is all about magic, although given your dislike of holding Z this might not be what you want.

rank 5 is Monk vs Pardoner, so nope.

rank 6 there’s Druid, Carnivory does a massive damage on single target.

both rank 7 classes are magic

Well, a DPS caster cleric would be:

Cleric C2 > Krivis C3 > Druid C2

You basically use skills to kill stuff with Heal, Cure, Zaibas and Carnivory, but you only have those.

I personally play a Cleric2-Krivis3-Druid2 and essentially, I sort of masquerade as a wizard with heals.

There’s also Sadhu and Bokor I guess

is it enough though with only 4 or so spells to atk with all pretty long cooldowns.

most clerics are preist, which is the class that holds z and buffs.
all of the other cleric classes cast and arent as lackluster as preist (as in exitement)

you can try


thse are the 2 highest dps clerics

You can check out this:

This is one of the most DPS-oriented Cleric builds out there, with proven results. INT based.