Tree of Savior Forum

Can't login to Royal Mausoleum 1F

prob the place is full, try to warp to the closest map and entering normally…

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Thanks for letting us know about this, Saviors. We have received a few similar reports from fellow Saviors who are experiencing the same issue with the Royal Mausoleum. I’m forwarding this to our dev team so that they can take a look at it. :smile:

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I went in a few minutes after you posted this, but the map was fine to enter. might want to attach what server you were on too to help the staff out

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Server Gabija

I can only enter to my lodge. When I try to start game, it said cannot connect to the server.
Can’t warp either. because I can’t go anywhere beyond my lodge, LOL

Is it possible that player can also choose to respawn at the main town instead of last map?
If it possible then at least I could start game.

Thanks for the tip, but I’m stuck at my lodge and can’t go beyond that.

oh! that is bad…

more reason to add a reset location on lodge that reset your current location to klaipeda :\

@GM_Erick I would be happy if you actually forward this suggestion to the devs too :wink:

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Hi Saviors. Thanks for your input. I’ll make sure to forward this suggestion to our devs. This will be a very useful for us. :smile:

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Was this solved? I am having the same problems for the Founder’s Server.

what a necro :smiley:

Sadly this problem is only solved with patience and more servers/channels…

you cant enter an area if there is no space for you on the area, try changing channel to a more empty one :slight_smile:

PD: I wonder if my suggestion made it into the game :smirk:

I already tried all those. :frowning: sadly i really cant enter the royal mausoleum and got stucked up in the area.

What an old thread, perhaps I’m having this issue right now lol.

Submited a ticket, let me hope to get it fixed.

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I was grinding just fine on Royal Mausoleum 1F, but when I got to 2F suddenly I can’t log any of my characters… Having trouble even trying to submit a ticket xD

I guess they just turned their backs to the issue, considering that the number of occurrences were low.

Perhaps that is why they are so desperately asking for new players, the game is not being well managed at all.

it’s just been an hour have some patience and if not pm all the staff :neutral_face:

stuck in gateway of the great king
server: Sillute
team: PRGNX
character: LastYgg
Why these developers don’t just add a reset tool to warp the character back to orsha/klaipeda/feidiman

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Yeah, an unstuck button would be great, except Klaipeda is bugged too, can’t log in there ! :((


@STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @Staff_Julie @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn

@DrRM it’s not just one hour, it is a whole year, if you count… The issue of characters getting stuck in maps and all the other things that brings the game a bad quality and the user a worse experience.

Let’s hope to a closure, I just resurrected an old post because of an old issue not addressed yet.

that’s an exageration and you know it, the problem might be old but not continuous, it get fixed and then it appeared again 4 months later, then got “fixed” and it reappeared now a year later…

and HOPEFULLY it gets solved fast and everyone gets some ice cream

If we get a good compensation I’m already happy :B like extending the “Recruiting New Saviors” event and reset instance tickets

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