Tree of Savior Forum

Can someone give me a key so i can download the game on steam that would be awesome!

That was weeks ago! still nothing

Because it’s not fixed. You’re going to have to be patient, unfortunately. I understand wanting to play. However, right now there are a lot of problems and the game is in a state that it’s not really ready to be opened up again yet. That’s not to say that ToS is a bad game, but the issues right now between bots, TP charging, client crashing skills, ect are major. Having even more users on the servers isn’t helpful.

Good example is the DDOS attacks that were happening to the SA server. Playeres were table flipping the forums over it, but IMC was unable to do much because this had to do with problems with the server host. They moved the servers, as that was the only solution. Users still were upset because this increased the ping drastically.

Just on example of many of the big problems right now. Many players are very frustrated and consider these issues game-breaking. I’m a huge fan of the game but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone because of these kinds of issues.

Once thing are more stable, it will be a far more pleasant experience for new players. These things take more than a couple of weeks to fix in many cases. Please be patient.

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But its also easy to say be patient if youre getting to play the game. I have not said much over the past few weeks expecting them to fix issues and show us progress through posts. Instead of showing progress we have gotten nothing more than “oh it will happen eventually”.

by be patient we are talking years btw so just go play another game

every 1 bug fixed is 3 new ones its easier to just make a new mmo yourself and play that one

Hi @matas.daskus, we would like to inform you that we are having a temporary restriction for the new players of Tree of Savior as of the moment. Kindly visit the link below for more information.


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^^ its exactly like i said. There is no update its just reference to past stuff that gives no updates or info as to when new players get to join in.

lmfao and there he is

[quote=“disseh, post:2, topic:296182”]
while IMC figures out how to deal with their bot problems[/quote]

I guess the game is closed for good.


its so automated. Also with them shutting of the servers from all new players its going to screw them later as well. As soon as they release the game they probably wont have accounted for the influx of players going to join the game which will probably cause problems again. IDK why their first order of business isnt fix the lag set in the restriction they have now and then release the game.

I rly didn’t think I will see a topic begging for a key again… :joy:
( it is not against you op btw…just… the memories…X) )

I debated a good while over responding to this. I wasn’t sure if you were deliberately trying to bait or really just not giving any consideration as to why things are restricted currently. And then I decided to go ahead because why not? I’m not staff so, just as every other user on the forums, I’m pretty free to post what I would like in response to other threads. This is just my conjecture and frustration below. Take it as you will.

There are far bigger problems than the lag.

There are far bigger problems than a few bug fixes here and there or translation issues.

It’s a GOOD thing that they’ve closed the servers off.

If you’re having troubles understanding this, you should do a bit more research before making the 999th post complaining about this. Really. They are fixing things as they can. They aren’t rolling out minor stuff because lulz.

The minor fixes are just things that got knocked off the list of to-do because they’re easier to fix. It’s not that they aren’t working on the bigger problems. Not to mention different staff departments are going to be working on different issues at the same time.

When things start steam rolling into a ball of unstoppable omgwtfbbqsauce what do you do?

You stop the influx where you can.

Many of us have already shelled out a lot of money. They could have taken the game down but were kind enough to let us continue playing. Partially out of loyalty to customers, partially because they need people to test stuff and we’re numerous enough and cheaper than hiring testers, and because they probably don’t want the backlash from people who bought crap if they closed them down totally while fixing things.

But also, they probably didn’t expect the fixes to take “weeks” (Mind you the game’s been open as free to play for barely over a month so I’m not sure where “weeks” comes from).

If you can do it better, set up your own development company. Make your own game. Build it better, faster, stronger.

Then watch when a glitch that everyone thought was fixed or that didn’t happen in any testing situation ever makes the game break.

And then another thing breaks.

And suddenly the thing you and your team worked not weeks, not months, but freakin years on gets crapped on by hundreds of self-entitled mouth breathers who don’t even know how to string together a line of code to save their own ass. Let alone to say “Hello World.”

So yeah, I think they had reason to close down the servers. We’re lucky they didn’t pull a ff14 and bring down the entire game for a year.

Yes, be patient. Yes, quit complaining. Yes, either find a way to positively contribute or shove it.

And yes, I am mad bro. Not specifically at you mind you. It’s the attitude underlying the majority of these threads that gets my goat. I know what it’s like to want to play something and not be able to.

Every gamer on the planet knows how much hurry up and wait sucks.

And every person who’s worked in any service industry knows that a lot of times your hands are tied and you really can’t do anything other than give stock answers to users. Because

  1. you can’t tell them because the higher ups don’t want it discussed

  2. you aren’t authorized to answer the question without checking in

  3. there is no answer and time has proven that silence, while annoying, on the subject is better than giving answers that start the lulz members of the forum lighting their fires and grabbing pitchforks because their waifu isn’t kawaii desu enough

You aren’t stupid. You know these things, it’s common freakin sense. Quit acting like a self entitled brat.


Here’s some extra snark to go with the complains. Oh and by the way… this game is free to play there are no keys.

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Alright i dont have much time so ill pick apart some of this.

  1. Yes there are probably ingame problems that have to do with end game and players not having enough to do. There also might be issues with the client, fps, lag, bots, and as the forums shows alot of other things. But does that mean its ok to shut out potential customers and have people on the forum who are getting to play calling us “entitled brats”? No i think not. Just because you are getting to play the game doesnt give anyone the right to shut down people wanting to play and contribute as well.

  2. it has been 'Weeks" if you go look at the post they made.

  3. In regards to saying i should do it better; I shouldnt have to. I am a consumer that purchases and spends money on entertainment which i do not specialize in. If that were the case and someone sold you a car that did not work and you went and complained and another customer responded to you that had a car that was working saying that youre being entitled because you wanted information im sure that you wouldnt be so happy.

  4. “And suddenly the thing you and your team worked not weeks, not months, but freakin years on gets crapped on by hundreds of self-entitled mouth breathers who don’t even know how to string together a line of code to save their own ass. Let alone to say “Hello World.”” <-- this is called rushed work. This is also called incomplete work. This is also called bad work. No matter how you put it if the game was created correctly the first time this would not happen. Not only that but to say that when people are upset something that they looked forward to so much didnt work are “Self-entitled mouth breathers” i think youre in the wrong. Businesses around the globe have to make good products in order to create sales, if a product comes out and sucks then it isnt the consumers fault at all so i think it would be wise to not slam customers.

6.Stock answers.
Let me give you some good examples of answers that would make the community happy.
Good example- Hello Tree of Savior community. We are currently trying to fix many issues that needed to be fixed in order for this community and players to be happy, and we are sorry for the gameplay that you are stuck with at the moment.
Current Works-
We would like to hear some feedback on ideas that we are currently talking about.
Lastest Implemented Fixes/Ideas-
Let us know if any of these are still bugged or are in need of fixing

These simple things of keeping the community up to date of what is happening and letting us know the progressions they are making is good marketing and keeps the frustration levels down.

7.YES the game is F2P, BUT you really think the people that love this game wont spend any money? This game isnt actually F2P, no company that wants to make money (NEXON) is going to accept a game thats making nothing. The cash shop, costumes, and coin are all prime examples of stuff that alot of players are going to buy.

Lastly dont go calling people Self Entitled Brats, you can keyboard warrior all you want and that fine, but when you act like youre above other people in the forum just remember YOURE NOT. We are all people that want to play this game regardless of whether some were pushed away by the poor gameplay or not. I will eventually support this company JUST AS MUCH AS YOU, so you have no power to call players sitting and waiting anything.

Im done with this now.

IMC just give us some better up to date info so i can see that progress is being made and that at some point in the next month i might be able to test your game that i have been wanting to play.

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First and foremost, yes there are a lot of entitled brats. However, I didn’t call you one now did I?

If you do not understand what I’m talking about–go look at the steam reviews, the multiple threads in the forums from the last few weeks, and on other media outlets as well. Nowhere did I say that they had 0 reason–just that they are being extremely entitled imo and that people need to simmer down. I even stated that my frustration and the comments were “Not specifically aimed at you” right after that paragraph.

And no. It’s not “weeks” it’s been two and a half weeks. TWO and a half. That is not long. Perhaps by your standards, but not by mine at all.

And yes, we do have the right to shut down fellow players when they are blatantly ignoring the reasons why we’re in the situation we’re in. Just as much as you have a right to respond to my response with your “pick apart” attitude.

I didn’t say you SHOULD do better, I said if you think you can. Everyone has an idea of how things could be improved. There’s a section of the forums specifically for that, truth be told. However, most of us are armchair experts.

As far as your response in #4–Rushed work? Please enlighten me to a few titles who do not have bugs, errors, when launched in the MMORPG industry. Especially the free to play area. This is not uncommon.

The detailed answers are in the announcements. People are not bothering to even read half of them. Granted, posting them in the forums as well may alleviate some of the problem there. However, they do take the time to try and link people to the topic at hand usually. This isn’t a stock answer, it’s just not repeating the same thing fifty times a week in detail every freaking time.

And I’m sorry, but if I think someone is a self-entitled brat— I am entitled to that opinion. I can shout it from the freaking rooftops. Hell I can take out a URL “” if I really wanted to be a dumbass. Wouldn’t be mature, but I could.

I’m not a keyboard warrior. I’m a user who tried to give you a polite and detailed answer with the reasons why in my first couple of responses. I gave you some of the actual, listed, verified responses from IMC about why things are like they are right now. Hell one of the staff came in and responded to your thread. But no, your response is “nope not good enough”

I gave you another, overlong, reply about the current situation on the forums and you decided to take it personally despite several statements of “hey don’t do that” and me clearly saying it’s just my opinion on the current trend with these repeated topics that everyone is very tired of seeing. I had some free time so yeah, I wrote a lot.

I don’t think I’m better.

I’m just more informed on the topic at hand and these kinds of experiences because I have worked in the industry as well as in other customer service jobs. I actually have first hand experience with similar events.

According to your post you do not. IMC is not Nexon. IMC is a small game development company. This is their first time working through steam. They have listened to customers complaining on the forums far too much–this game was not even supposed to have reached release until right around now. Users on the forums raised their pitchforks complaining about it and IMC went ahead and pretty much gave paid early access to anyone who could round up a few bucks.


WE the community had a LOT to do with some of the rush induced issues. IMC hopefully will take a firmer stance when listening to the crap that yes, self-entitled users, keep complaining about. They can’t please everyone. The servers need to stay closed until they are ready to be opened. I look forward to them being opened. By no means do I want the game to stagnate.

Just because you think things should be done a certain way doesn’t mean that it should. The same can be said of my opinion as well. I don’t work for IMC. I don’t work on the team. None of us know what goes on in the office or why they make their decisions… but oh wait–IMC has been super transparent about the how and why multiple times (there’s more than that as far as responses but I’m not looking all of them up right now).

Anyway, thanks for reading all of this if you did and by no means was I trying to make you feel unwelcome. Like I tried to say, this isn’t primarily aimed at you but at the “hurry up and fix it” attitude that’s been spreading due to player frustration. I won’t be responding further.

why have I been linked to this thread? :open_mouth:

cuz u have the key my friend. Now give it to me i want to kill some porings

I already gave my spare away like 8 months ago. And we don’t have porings here.

no reason to play then !

Wait! Stay! We have Popolions and no bitchy guild leaders!


Yes! You will not regret it! I hope…

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