Tree of Savior Forum

Can Murmillo compete DPS wise? (and fencer question)

My first question is whether Murmillo can compare DPS wise to Fencer C3 or Dragoon C2? Murmillo gameplay looks kind of fun, but I can only think that leveling up a pelt3-rod3 would drive me crazy. I’ve seen some interesting suggestions with the recent changes such as pelt1-hop1-rod3-shinobi or pelt2-rod3-shinobi.

Also, what’s the meta build towards fencers anyways? I know that the spear lunge from hop2 must help but that’s about it, but HL3 seems an interesting path too, just not sure what to fit in between that and fencer, since barb1 feels out of place. Any suggestions for fencer 3 would be really appreciated!

Pelt > Barb 3 > Fencer
Pelt Evasion, Swash
Barb3 for warcry, pouncing, and cleave.
Seism and Helm Chopper as your stun tools
Pouncing is a VERY good skill to use.

Pelt > HL3 > Fencer
A debuffer this time, you can stack debuffs alone and deal a strong vertical slash. Basically a slash spammer alongside pierce

If you are interested in other variants and things, feel free to ask around

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