Tree of Savior Forum

Build help (Dievdirby/Druid)

The build is fine? and what stat i need to put?

Might as well drop DP to 3 and Safety wall from cleric to 10 seeing how you can just level up the DP atrribute to increase duration and reduction.

I would drop the SP totem to 9 and max out the silence totem because silence totem is much more useful. Also get Laima to 6 because it goes away a bit before the duration ends. If you’re going int don’t bother getting carve

It is fine build. Int should be the main stat
This build will start with not enough attack skills. And it has almost no skill to attack fly mobs until rank 4. Even in later rank, it is still hard to farm mobs. In party play, it has only 1 healing spell and maybe some potential healing spells from druid’s Telepath and Transform.

What is the idea of this build? Normally you want druid’s Chortasmata to make Dievdirby’s Carve Attack do more damage but this build give only 1 point into Carve Attack. This build also has a lot of protect spells which are Safety Zone, Fade, Statue of Goddess Ausrine and Sterea Trofh but I don’t see what they are gonna be use for. (Hide behide the statues?)

It seems to be a a semi dps/ support build, although IMO for better DPS, he shoulve went Diev 3, Druid 1 and PD :

Vakarine is not really needed since there are warp scrolls. If you are building towards an int build, carve will not be needed. Max World Tree with those points.