Tree of Savior Forum

BR portal announced for Tree of Savior

I’m from Brazil (really?) and I’m very glad about it. No reason to be mad.

FTFY. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist!

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So its confirmed that the server will be hosted in Brazil? I mean a BR server which has the same PING as the international server has no point.

Yes, the server will be hosted here in Brazil, and it will be managed by IMC.

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If you are not Brazilian I sugest you to play in an international server then. Cogratulations to Brazilians to get their own server :smile:

Brazil having its own server is GREAT… as long as Level UP has no acess to GM’ing, CS items or account security.

Ragnarok Online was the worst experience I ever had with a game in Brazil, even though it was mechanically great. I will gladly play with higher latency to avoid any further contact with Level UP scum.

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OK, I’ll be just “BR” .-.

So, I get it, IMC doesnt speaks portuguese, so translations and support for portuguese will be handled by Level Up… But what if they mess this up? Many bugs on the SA Server may not be reported correctly to IMC (unless they google translate in game reporting or something), and we may need to wait for new content because of missing translations…

Considering how poor Level Up reputation is, I would prefer if the only thing they did was selling coins. But I understand why a different decision was made. I only hope this won’t become a problem in the future. To at least let us play new content using english translation files and report directly to IMC in english about the SA server would be great (bypassing Level Up for feedback).

All things considered, having a SA server is pretty cool, especially since it will be managed directly by IMC. Hooray for that. I don’t thinkg it makes any sense to host it outside of Brazil/São Paulo thought, since most SA players (looking at forum/beta statistics) come from here, myself included. Most big data centers are here as well, such as Amazon AWS

Whenever I hear that level up will be responsable for translations I remember that Male Knight was Cavaleiro and Female knight was Cavaleira.

And that one time they tried to translate Soul Linker as Umbandista…

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As long I can keep the game with english translation even on Brazilian server it’s fine for me, lol.

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So much crying… for what? better payment methods? native language suport?

Yeah, im brazilian and yes i hate levelup. But to me, it was great news… the server will be handled by IMC and if even with that you still want you can just go to internacional… no ip block.

I’ll try. if i get a better ping i’ll play on BR server, if not, ill just go to internacional one.


For some years now i dont play ANYTHING that LUGS come up with, cus… u know… p2w…hacks…lag…stuf…
hope they dont kill this game like they did to all the others

You see, thats the thing. Its actually worse.

Steam always had a very good payment method for Brazil , in fact Steam has the best payment method in the world. So we are trading those for very questionable payment methods which includes the company profit ( so this is actually worse for us).
Also Steam uses Steam funds which you can get by playing other steam games.

We already had native language support through git hub translations. And LUG isnt famous for giving players good language support at all.

We all do. And since I can’t see any good that will come out out of this , I keep asking myself why do it?

I will do the same, I’m just sad though that I will have to give up on a huge amount of Steam wallet funds I had just for Tree of Savior. Guess I will just buy Street Fighter V instead.

Nope, we didn’t had… IMC were doing translation, but, PROBABLY(i dont know for sure) if we had a problem, we would still need send a ticket in english. No problem for a few, but for most brazilians would be a problem. Now, LUG will do that. We send to LUG, LUG send to IMC.

That’s the catch… that’s why IMC prefer LUG. Steam has the best payment method, and that’s come for free? probably not. They probably charge more than LUG for every transaction.
The reason i said “better payment methods” it’s because we still dont know if they will accept steam funds, even in internacional. They could use paypal directly on their website for example.

Don’t get me wrong… I’m not happy about it, but I’m not crying like it was the end of BR server… Like i said, i hate LUG too, but the way they did it was great for everyone. Better for IMC and better for us(LUG doesn’t admin the servers). I never had problems with lug beside P2W itens(not even lag…).

Another thing… nobody said our server wont be at steam(did it?). i think we will have a server with all others but ours will be located in SA.

I thought so too as well, but it appears we will have our very own server now according to what I’ve read from the facebook page in a PM with GM_Ines.


You can still play on the Steam servers? Also IMC is administering the servers. Currently LevelUP games is dealing with localization and a payment portal.

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guys, it’s simple, you can CLEARLY see that a lot of people just don’t like LUG

why bother partner with it? just find another partner >.>

or just stay with steam, i don’t actually understand why they just don’t stick with steam, everyone loves it

But they did stick with steam, you can still play on the Steam server. Now there is just a second option.

come on, you can’t possibly be serious

you know i’m talking about the BR server being hosted by steam instead of any portal of any kind >.>’