Tree of Savior Forum

Botters spotted in cbt

I’ve seen 15-20 people doing this in ICBT1, this is a well known issue

My friend usually sticks a paper clip in the z key to spam AA so he’ll just afk w/o logging out and doing something productive along the way.

don’t there weapons die long before 8 hours?

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Change weapons midway then :3 who needs sleep anyways?

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Sad to say, but these aren’t bots. I can clearly see that both of them aim properly , especially the guy on the right. To me it looks like lazy bum syndrome or they were farming items for cash.

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that’s easy to fix, have an aggressive enemy that walk the maps that only attack people not moving

like an-T-rex


can be made immortal for extra efficiency :3

Farming items for cash? On CBT?!


i dont think its a bot. its might be just a small macro

Actually, they might have just jammed a coin between keys in they keyboards so it doenst stop attacking

It’s the easiest way to gain some starting money as the drop rate there is 100% on the miniboss. Good way to get some pots and tpscrolls going. In fact Items are the only source of your income from what I’ve seen so far. You get no gold from quest and mobs give you next to nothing. If you want anything at all you need to sell items.

Are you even in the beta? IF not plz play first before you say anything.

Looks like someone got no key here. andoumasaki is completely clueless xD

I wasn’t laughing at your answer previously. I was laughing at their attempt to farm for cash in a closed beta. I get your point, so chill.

And yes, I’m in this beta.

I do have a key and have been playing. See my answer above.

Theyre not really “boting”, theyre just holding down the button…