Tree of Savior Forum

ฺBot report function is not the solution

Dear @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John
According to the new report function, I would like to share my perspective toward this update. The bot report function is not the proper anti-bot solution.
This function would rather rage the playing environment. Where, players would report every actions that they dislike such as kill steal, harassment and other fighting objection. The intention of bot function would delivery more stress in the game. The real solution should be done at the initial stage where all third party program would not function in the game throughout Game-guard and so on.

Please consider that the community of the game is consist of both Good and bad side where the guild war would take place. What would you do if good people report bad people because of their behavior. Would this game still be reflecting to the role playing game? Where, everyone can decide what they would like to do in the game. Game community is not much different than the real life.

Thank you


I see it as a good start, though I know that it can be abused but hey, its a start.


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Ever since botting started in MMOs it was proven time and time again, that no software protection ever works.

Gameguard, Warden (Blizzard’s software), Frost (a godawful contraption which is more of a trojan than anything else one Russian game publishers uses), VAC - none work. Well, technically they do - for a couple of hours until bot makers code new bypass routines in… Which is nothing for a lot of effort spent.

Reporting might work - if punishment for misuse is severe enough to discourage reporting people you don’t like instead of bots.


True that the misuse punishment should well arrange and severe enough to caution both bot and misuse players.

I agree, but the solid punishment is not even announce

Can we report gold seller with the report bot button?

Easy, if you report the right bot, bot will get banned. If you abuse or misuse, you will get banned instead.
The report button should require players their responsibility. Like before you can use it, proper warning will pop up at the beginning.
And report button should go with evidence. For example, when you click on suspect, some program will record the suspect behavior, but the reporter doesnt have to follow suspect to record.

Probably. I get the feeling that it’s “report bot” rather than “report” to avoid people spamming it when someone provokes them, but the do still want you to report gold sellers

Just like we shouldn’t have the number to call the police… Because you know, I constantly use it to call it on people walking by my house I don’t like… It never serves as a good thing to have.

(If you can’t tell, I disagree with you)

Please don’t recommend game guard. That’s the worst idea ever. Game guard just eats up resources, causes performance issues and most of all, game guard doesn’t get rid of bots. Its main purpose is to stop hacks. Not that it even does a good job at that, though.

You know everything that human created always has advantage and disadvantage so stop whining. everything can be abuse and everything can be use to help or to hurt. I can even suffocate you with my pillow.

when I say “EVERYTHING” it is everything. the creation of guns, drugs, medicine, burgers , plastic surgeries … grow up man. there is no such thing as 1 instant solution. so shut up.

I just love how every time IMC tries to correct or fix stuff, the first thing people do is complain.

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You’re more concerned about players abusing the report system than RMT and botters?

Have you seen the report section? 99% of the reports are about botters and not players.

It shows your priority here.

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I went to a Tenet Garden earlier (I’m level 112) to kill a few mobs for my journal someone kept calling me a bot and wouldn’t believe I was a real player even if I was talking back to her. She finally believed me when I sat when she told me to sit. At least she took the time to talk to me before she reported me as a bot. lol

Should have just let them report you, IF the system works well, then imc should be able to figure out that you’re a legit player.

I imagine every report gets reviewed, otherwise any player would get autobanned with enough reports.

Let the reported-bot pvp be flagged please!!!

If someone abuse, imc could punish with temporary bans