Tree of Savior Forum

Bokor C2 Skill: Mackangdal

Ok I don’t know whether it’s supposed to work like that or bot, but the current state and the descripion is very misleading.

What would you think it works like now? Yeah, it should work similar like Pain Barrier does. ->

Supressing pain, Pain Barrier, yeah you could assume you wont get interupted for these 15 secs, making you able to get at least one cast of possession (as sadhu) or bwa kayiman through since its so easily cancelable. But in fact, it just delays dmg and thats all what it does. You will still get as easily canceled as ever and get trapped in fast skill combos.

So I’m suggesting Mackangdal either working like surespell/pain barrier with the downside of killing your whole party if they don’t be careful, or at least changing the description to something less misleading.

In a game where you need 1,5 secs in an animation to cast a skill like Possession, being vulnurable to any incoming attacks, a skill that does make you invulnurable should AT LEAST make you able to complete the cast, even if something hits you.

When you don’t feel the pain, why should you be interupted in the first place?