Tree of Savior Forum

Best Plague Doctor Variant

Based on recent KTEST changes nerfing the duration of Ausrine I would recommend the Priest3 build for revive, mass heal, stone skin, etc.

Exorcise is a great damage skill for TBL as well since you can lay it down and dance around it. It does really impressive damage over time.

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I started out with cleric 2, priest 3, chap and PD2 as an INT/SPR hybrid build, which was actually very fun and powerful

Used the event to try out full int builds, starting with the standard Bokor > Sadhu variant and finally settling on Krivis 3, Druid, PD3.

Sadhu Doctor definitely has the most damage, but it isn’t the most comfortable to play. I found that there were downtimes where I often had to kite in circles waiting for Possession’s cooldown. Bokor didn’t add much to the build, with zombies being wonky and thematically unpleasant. Also, having to use Pandemic often to spread Hexing because the aoe is so small. This build is also very mana-hungry, even with 80 investment in SPR, and if you run out of mana you really don’t have anything to do while you wait for it to refill. Possession only has a 12 second CD and destroys things, but I always found myself needing to combo it with various other skills in an awkward manner to avoid being interrupted. Plague 3 does fix this to an extent but basically every clear that doesn’t involve Possession requires quite a bit of setup.

Krivis-druid on the other hand, has a bit less damage but feels much more smooth to me. Being able to buff auto attacks with Daino and Aukuras to fill gaps between cooldowns, along with moderately powerful and frequent bursts of damage with Zaibasi. Zalchiai may not provide a good debuff like Hexing, but between it and Divine Stigma I rarely find myself wanting for fodder to burn with Incinerate. Carnivory is kind of just there, but it’s nice to throw down on top of a Safety Zone. This build is still mana hungry but not as much as the previous, since you can fall back on auto attacks at any time.

Personally I think I enjoyed my first build the most but I’m also happy with my current build. All three of them are fun and I’ll probably make the Sadhu doctor later. The Sadhu build can also take Deiv instead of Bokor at rank 3 if you don’t like zombies. You get some quality of life for taking it instead of Hexing.

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Follow up question. WIth the recent tests, if I go full con and no SPR, is blessing still worth it? Or should I just max Asp?

For a full CON PD3 build with no Chaplain? I wouldn’t max blessing or aspersion. Just get all the support skills and then dump the 9 extra points in w/e you want. Aspersion for defense boost in TBL i guess.