Tree of Savior Forum

Best card for Necromancer

Someone let me know what the best card to use in Necronomicon ?

The cards I own compatible with necromancer :

Archon > Mutant type
Canceril > Insect type
Mineloader > Mutant type

I intend to use my devil type cards to increase the level of one to use in my Necronomicon.

As far as I’ve read with KToS updates… not a lot has changed since icbt2 in terms of the necronomicon. I may be mistaken. But the cards a Necro uses have very little impact on the stats your Shoggath has. And that’s even when comparing lv10 cards. Sorcerer notices huge improvements in skill sets and role when slotting different cards but Necro just gets a few slightly varied stats. Previously there was a “corpse monster” that was summoned, which, like the Sorcerer, created a minion in the likeness of the card used. They’ve since removed that and replaced it with a slug that isn’t too great.

They may have changed it since but I don’t believe they have. Additionally they may change it in the future again… but for now it won’t really really matter.

Just pick the one with the best statuses and rank it up, doesn’t matter that much.

Considering we now have tons of new mutant/animal/plant cards, I thought I should necro this.

Has anyone come to any card being significantly better than another one? I only noticed that the Gray golem card has higher dmg than the Denoptic card

Best card for Necromancer

I see what u did thar :wink:

I no longer have a Necromancer this time around but I can say, with some confidence, that until Shoggath gets changed/reverted to his older cbt version, card type will not matter at all really. Shoggath completely kills any creative aspect of a summon and restricts any card slotted to the same slightly-varied base stats.

In short? It doesn’t matter if there is a better card or not because better means only dealing 100 more damage or taking 100 damage less etc. When we have classes that are bursting for millions (literally, not even making that up, check out some of the ktos videos) the difference of a measly 100ish damage will not make any impact. You don’t go out of your way to spend a small fortune upgrading a weapon that has +10 more base PATK or MATK on it than the one you already have… not likely any real reason to do that with a card then for Necromancer.

I really hope they consider making changes to Shoggath in the future because it is in such a sad state =(

Here is one of the vids from the KTOS2 thread of a C2 Warlock with a bit of help setting up:

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You’re absolutely right. The thing is, this char will either stay at rank 6 killing bees or maybe even go for the early 220s for using skellies and do it more efficiently. That means I’ll be dealing with 5-6k mobs, where those few hundreds would actually matter

Which card has the best ATK stat for shoggoth?

I didn’t science the cards to see if the stats are working… But I’ll write down a few cards these are Star 1 cards.

HP 27626
ATK 2487
DEF 551
STR 96
CON 195
INT 36
DEX 12
SPR 48

HP 26906
ATK 2515
DEF 551
STR 96
CON 189
INT 48
DEX 24
SPR 36

HP 28347
ATK 2563
DEF 551
STR 120
CON 201
INT 24
DEX 12
SPR 24

Bonus Glackuman 10
HP 28347
ATK 3942
DEF 772
STR 120
CON 201
INT 24
DEX 12
SPR 24

140k HP(?!)

That would be pretty easy to do some eye ball science since it’s literally 4 times more HP then most cards. If you feel like doing so.

Is this your screenshot? If so, please, tell me where you dropped this!? Level 285 one or is there an earlier version of this that drops this card? Thx.

crystal mine