Tree of Savior Forum

Being in town instantly kicks me out of the game + other random disconnections

So this has been going on for a few days.
The moment i try to enter Klaipeda on this one character, I get a massive lagspike ending in a disconnection.
It only happens on one character too.

Now I can deal with that because I can always go to Fedimian, but It’s also been happening randomly around the world. I can tell you for sure that my internet connection has absolutely nothing to do with this.

It just keeps happening and I’m starting to think there is something wrong with this character. In fact I have a theory - One of my items in the market is bugged and I’m unable to take it off. When I asked a friend to buy it they said it showed “This items is already sold” message, but I never did sell that nor receive money for it.
The disconnects started happening around the same time the item bugged so I’m thinking it might be related.

Edit: It started happening in Fedimian as well. The game is literally unplayable right now.

Edit 2: It wasn’t the bugged items. By some miracle I finally managed to take them off the market and get rid of them, but I’m still getting kicked out of the game whenever I go back to town on this one particular character. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening.

always game on the near empty channels and set all to low without effects… maybe is the place overloading you.

as for that, I think there should be a form of reset location or selecting a place to reset to…

why, cause some times (specially on high levels) there is only 1 channel and if it’s near full it will just lag to no end and at least I cant get in again after a disconnect and have to wait a lot until it get emptier or something…

The same is happening for me man, Change a channel disconnect from server, change a map disconnected from server and when i try to log back in i get the IPF error, this sux!

Thing is it only happens on a single character.
I tried making a new one and I can walk around Klaipeda on channel 1 just fine and never get disconnected.

I noticed however that it is a lot more common around prime-time so you might not be completely wrong.