Tree of Savior Forum

Beauty shop realeased and i was wondering

Any chance to wig,dyelens,and other stuff become viable on market?
Its sadly since we cant buy this features in-game just costumes…

And some requests

-Facil hair
-Skin tones
-More dye and wigs
-Some new dye are nice, but we are not able to use this new colors on wigs, make it happen pls :frowning:

Since the launch we are asking for this wig IMC PLS MAKE IT HAPPEN



The Popo Post No. 2 mentions what you’re looking for on Page 25:

They’ll be adding skin tones, facial hair, eyebrow customisation, and various NPC hairstyles.

You might find this thread interesting too:


thank u,thats nice too but i hope they make it avaible on market, since some of us can not buy tp, but are ablee to buy from other players

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