Tree of Savior Forum

Beard and Mustache!

I’m dying here, I can’t stop laughing :joy:

@natzrofatal These are legit! I want a mustache and monocle too :sparkles:

These are awesome! I hope they add some character customization things we can buy later on like this.

I know you all do it for fun and laughs, but some of them look really nice and i would like to see it ingame :slight_smile:

oh man, I didn’t notice the scary smile on his face xD His sass is showing I hope he could move his eyebrows in the near future…

Funny and creative… XD you have my vote for player created contend if IMC adds it lol

For laughs? By the gods man. This is very very serious!


Zis iz bery bery zeriouz


i totally agree with you we need Mid head accesories just like old RO, and also mouth accesories not only for manly purpouses but also for all kind of customization options, since anyways we cannot change our Armor look at all ~~ let atleast have wings and ears and moustaches and crowns and blushes and toasts all over our face~~

yer mean something like zis?

or Kawaii oldman…


the beard makes the character like a child molester. stop!!!

must be those kawaii faces :smirk:

kawaii oldman, wow, that blush. much wow!

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Not just Beard and Mustache. We need something that can cover character eyes… Glasses… or something else.

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made a countdown with kawaii oldmen… 27 hours to go?


I m all for it. I myself have have a well trimmed mustache and goatee

they should add those mustaches, and beards u did draw or even better , nice one mate :+1:

This dude is jacked with manliness. Quite kawaii still and lol at the ■■■■■. MR:T of ToS

Not sure why but… I think I gonna… dig this post…
from the grave…

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What have you done…:open_mouth:

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