Tree of Savior Forum

Auto AFK Farming Vedas Plateau SEA

  • Server : Varena

  • Team Name : Malibi TARANTADO

  • Location : Vedas Plateau Ch 1

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : 05/09/2016 pm 09.05

  • Evidence

Hello @Mytik, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will now investigate your report.

lol i came here coz i read your chat… that you will put a video and report someone
why tell that im a bot? i just ignored you coz im farming here maybe 3 hours a day…

you accuse me of botting for watching me farm? are you serious?
i already appealed before the GM replied

in the first screen shot i saw you while i was playing… did u say anything to me no? so i ignored u… then u accuse me of botting? second screenshot was today. it was the same youre not talking to me or anybody, just saying i am a bot?

So you’re farming multiple hours that way ?

Like, you really do ?

You could at least understand that it’s pretty suspicious ^^

While OP’s title maybe a bit misleading, the reported player’s actions is really suspicious. There are fixed patterns in his movements, almost seem like a recorded macro to me that is being repeated.

If it’s indeed true that he’s using a macro to bot, it seems like he and this other player I reported are using a similar approach:

IMC won’t probably ban him if ever because he bought stuff from the TP shop. Right, @GM_Francis?

@Mytik try bringing an anvil and a cheap lv.1 equipment to upgrade with you next time and if you ever meet another of this kind of player, upgrade the lv.1 equipment right in front of them but don’t hit it. Macro users will keep hitting that anvil due to the game’s sticky targeting when in keyboard/controller mode. Then start recording. Also, try to chat/trade/duel with him in case he does respond.

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yeah i am farming like that, i just lie down in my bed holding my controller ,kinda easy just to spin around your joystick for the target or monster will spawn… btw i use keyboard when not farming… i usually farm 3 hours then rest. you know kinda hard to farm battle bracelet BECAUSE OF REAL BOT…so i just farm silvers…
if you can check all my history my chat log or anything when someone say something or having a hard time questing there ( the frost something) i say i think its bugged because many people quest there and cannot finish it or sometimes if they need a boost in exp… i think i remember this Ringgu but that reported me but im not sure, he’s just in the middle afk then when I ask him if he need to leech but i need silver he say no thanks, then he came back killing the mobs.

if you want to see the REAL BOTS, go to ch 2 and 3 in vedas plateau, ch2 always the archer TOP2 in the monster journal for killing white grolls. he is litteraly 24 hours botting, and in ch 3 the sorc TOP 1 in monster kills for white groll 1m+ kills.

then me? farming for like 300k silvers every 3 hours getting banned? why would I even attempt to bot and risk my account of getting banned? for just 300k silvers? if GM has a database or something that will watch my history in vedas plateu you will know how many ppl i help in quest and leech…(maybe 3 lol) im only farming here for 2 days

and look at those screenshots… 9 05 pm, im wearing my WILDING bane and yellow words above my head costume is white bunny and beach fedora… then 9 16 pm my yellow words is different and using grandcoss and dumbell

This picture says it all… i think i remember this guy so i checked my history, and boom i took a picture of our chat… Crab mentality spotted or HATER of our guild…Luckyily i have my dashboard cam installed on my character LOL. @GM_Francis

I WANT THIS Ringuu that should be banned… accusing me of botting but i am actively chatting to him… im so angry with crabs in this game…

and if u wondering how did i know and why i took that picture…
i really dont know,maybe its destiny, maybe i know someday or someone will accuse me of botting because there are many bots in this map specially ch2 and 3…, , im just taking random pics of my chat … oh well, its kinda scary to farm silvers now the crabs will accuse you of botting, wheter your actively chatting or not… crabs will always pull you down

That’s an acceptable excuse. I guess OP’s video was just to short to justify his report.

A longer video would have shown how macro bots would have a repeat routine, always at exact timing, skill rotation and steps, only changed by interaction with monsters/objects e.g. when attacking monsters, you slow down a bit causing your next programmed pathing to change a bit as well - usually causes most macro bots to eventually keep running towards the edge of the map.

Just be careful next time I guess. Repeat in-game flags from different players could still get you banned.

But the day I reported to date, you say each day.

Next time you see players acting like this, try to record the video longer (perhaps up until they’ve done 2 full repeats of their farming route), following them. Best, use the anvil trick I mentioned earlier.

It will be clearer evidence if indeed the player is botting or not.

Why do not you shoot the monsters
In the clip I tried to strike a devastating monsters so that there are no monsters, you just shoot it against the nature of the game, usually by hand. clip 04/09/2016

Thanks to the introduction I will study and follow.

If you are not a bot, I would not mess with you, I accept the verdict.