Tree of Savior Forum

Attribute learning time delay

I somewhat agree, but that just brings into question the type of morals that IMC wants to foster from Tree of Savior. We’ve already seen that there isn’t a dedicated moderator online to dish out punishment to those that abuse the shout chat… -shakes head- Any kind of system can be abused, but it’s the ones that keep the majority of players entertained while allowing them to progress that’re the good ones.

Unfortunately bad players with that kind of mindset will always follow the easy, unethical path. But we can always hope that they’ll be shadow-banned and only play with themselves.

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Or find wandering/extremely rare/seasonal NPCs that’ll teach ‘ultimate’ (e.g. different colors, added effects) versions of certain skills.

And he/she only takes 2-3 apprentices.

Per year. :wink:

While I don’t think the player cap per server should be implemented, some kind of bonus for maxing out attributes on a particular skill would be a bonus for players to look forward too.

I also kind-of wish that IMC would have a big “Attribute Suggestion” topic where players could discuss different attributes they feel certain skills should possess.

All I really want is the ability to learn multiple attributes at once or at the very least queue them.

Maybe they can arrange it so the number of attributes you can learn at once goes up with rank or something but anything would be better than the whole learning one attribute locks you from learning anything else as its quite tedious in my experience.

There is not really any point for having both price and a long wait time. It does not add any difficulty to the game, just annoyance. Really what purpose does it serve? People in this thread already came up with way more appropriate ideas that deny instant gratification, take away annoyance, and add a cool mechanic.

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I couldn’t agree with you more. I would think that as “Revelators” there’s some divine being within us that allows us to learn quickly if taught properly by a “Master”. It’s starting to get absurd with waiting over 30 minutes to get a +2 damage buff on my Blessing, and this is a HUGE pain point to me as a priest leveling.

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