Tree of Savior Forum

Aspersion and sacrament worth maxing?

Hi, so i’m assuming last rite’s damage is not that great even with max sacrament whereas aspergillum is affected much more by aspersion?

By the way, last rite and aspergillum is affected by MY sacrament and aspersion right? Buff bought by pardoner does not matter?


last rite increase is still small amount since it’s sill flat numbers from SPR. so yes, it’s not that great
Your Aspergillum damage = Your Aspersion damage

It’s best to just buy sacrament from high SPR and high lv pardoner since they have it maxed

Got it thanks.

Priest 3 has the tightest skill points available… Not sure if i should get stone skin, exorcise, ressurect, or revive.

Blessing, aspersion, and mass heal are already 40 skill points

I put mine like this

Revive is ok at least lv 5. Put mass heal first to lv 10. The rest is up to you
Stone skin IMO is just trash compared to pre-rebalance. Maybe you want to consider once they changed stone skin to also decrease magic damage taken. But I still think it’s meh with current defense formula

Edit: So I assume you will take aspersion to max, then you need to rethink about allocation on revive and mass heal.

Thanks for sharing.

I think resurrect at lv2 is ok? (For revive’s attribute)
Revive at lv1 already has 100% up time no? (With attribute)

May I ask how come you don’t max aspersion and left it at 1 instead?

this is a very helpful discussion regarding priest and chaplain :heart:

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That’s great i read through most of them. Not sure if outdated or not but some ppl there are actually iffy about going pd2 for r7 and r8, instead they prefer inquisitor. But inquisitor is more dps isnt it?

PD2 is more sustained aoe damage. Inqui is more burst (better for bosses).

Right… But inquisitor’s skills are based on strength or…?

Do not pick up mass heal, it sucks

Do not pick up mass heal, it sucks

Bad opinion, the post.

Mass Heal is one of, arguably the most useful skill a priest has. It is the only direct heal in the game and it always heals you.

If someone needs a quick heal or they will die, you can lay heal tiles down and hope they go to them, or you can mass heal and they can continue DPSing.

Max Mass Heal.


Yea im without any experiences with mass heal so i cant say. Some ppl do leave it at lv6-7. Cajin, care to explain ur opinion?

I’ll rephrase what I said, the heal itself doesn’t suck but the mechanic of mass heal does. 90% of the time when I have used it in the past people move when I’m about to use it and it only heals me. Completely misses my target. If they somehow change the mechanic of mass heal to say something like a buff(radius wise) then it would be better in my opinion but sadly you have to aim it.

So it being more skill-based makes it bad? I find it enjoyable to learn people’s tendencies and effectively heal them because I know where they are going to be.

Don’t aim where they are, aim where they are going to be. Most people behave in a way that it shouldn’t take you more than 15 mins to figure it out.

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Easier said then done, but personally I wouldn’t dump my points into it.

Personal opinion or experiences aside, mass heal its pretty good even if its only for self-healing, you can also put less than 10 points and it will be efective anyways.

On MH: indispensable in my opinion, invested at least 1 point in it even when I only had 5 points to distribute (buff shop woes), with 2 on Res and 2 on Revive (just to have it sync with MH and Res’ 10% HP recovery). I can say with certainty that without it, my Buff Shop Chinq cannot possibly hope to survive Uphill solo.:slight_smile:

On Inqui: PAtk based (at least for wheel and GS). But other skills are based either on your MAtk (i.e. MM) or your enemies’ (pears). Go full SPR if you follow the Chinq (Chap-Inq) route. Your weapon (especially when you already have Viena or Skull Smasher) will carry you through your build’s PAtk requirements, and your buffed up bless will give you that extra “oomph” you need to crush bosses or burst kill mobs.

my 3 priest skill build

chaplain main (inquisitor) - asper15 mon1 bless15 res2 sacra1 revive10 mass1 stone0(u still get stone lv1 from capella) exo0

old chaplain - asper1 mon1 bless15 sacra1 res2 revive10 mass heal10 stone5 exo0

chaplain pardoner - ofc max every main buff asper15 bless15 sacra10, rev2 mon1 mass1 res1(res2 for rev att then reset to1)

non-chaplain priest3 - asper0 mon1 bless15 res5 sacra1 revive10 mass8 stone5 exo0

*** always max bless, always get revive and mass heal level doesn’t matter, get revive att from res, mon1 is worth
sacra1 is enough unless u r pardoner, no chaplain no aspersion, aspersion1 or 15 depend on how u play chaplain
u can get stone5 if u have a lot of free sp (asper1 = have more ps, asper15 = lack of sp)

Correct. :smiley:

The longer you play your Priest 2/3 (w/Mass Heal learnt ofc), the better you should be getting at doing this.

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to anyone who is Plaguedoc 2, is magnus exorcismus practical when you already have black steam and incinerate?
I was debating on wether i should put 1-2 points into exorcise on priest C3 or just let those ranks be full support…