Tree of Savior Forum

Art Commission?

Hello everyone! I got back to playing tree of savior a week ago and I really love the character style and costumes in this game. Also needing more practice on drawing chibis and needing a bit of cash for Christmas shopping since I am a broke college student.
Commission link:


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thank you for letting me know.

sample chibi art if anyone is interested

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…exactly the three things I wanted in one drawing.

Good luck, though~

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i not really sure because i saw an old posts that advertise their commission pages and i thought it was okay to post.

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alright thank you for letting me know!

just don’t have the actually time since those take forever. Thank you though.

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I would recommend editing the title and post to remove the stuff that would get you in trouble and this post deleted :wink:

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am not the kind to pat, I prefer hug…

and past good deeds come from the present heart not from future mind…

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Yeah it going to get delete soon. I’m fine with that at least I’ve my lesson. :sweat: