Tree of Savior Forum

Are 2 prac weapons that worth it?

you are currently in a topic where someone asking whether it is worth it or not getting a 2 practo weapon. Do you really think that OP have that kind of money in the first place?

2 practo weapon is basically if you have to ask whether it is worth it or not, it probably isnt worth it for you personally.

If you have 2 practo weapon, then you know you can afford it and dont need to worry about investment vs benefit crap aka, you are rich and can get the BiS gear that you want.

Go re-read the original OP instead of just the OP topic title.

The OP is considering doing solmiki, and my reply was clearly with that in mind.

If the OP truly is serious about doing Solmiki (which the OP stated were his intentions), then the OP needs to realize that there will be time to get the money for a 2 prac weapon during that time. Because getting a solmiki weapon is a LOT of friggin’ TIME.

Nope, 80-90 mil is around 57-64 blessed gems (klaipeda).

I guess you would be able to get a trans 5 Gale Slasher with the money needed to upgrade to Sarkmis, but this is a moot point because you can get a higher transcendence with a blue HG weapon with the money it took to make that sarkmis in the first place.

My point was that getting +11 orange weapon trans 6 is worth the investment if you’re planning on getting solmiki. I never compared the investment/damage, but if you want to make that comparison to make your own argument, by all means go ahead.

Instead of making assumptions, you should realize OP has already crafted and transcended a Sarkmis prior to creating this thread. Probably is asking the question because he is considering investing more into transcendence or just asking to know others’ opinions.

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Then how do you compare those 2? Simply because sarkmis deal more damage?

asking whether “crafting a weapon is worth it” is different than asking “which weapon is the best” or “which weapon deal more damage”. And you seem to keep on saying that Sarkmis is a better 2 hand sword than Gale slasher which everyone know. But the question that OP ask is “whether it is worth it”. And doesn’t that mean we are suppose to talk about investment/benefit in this case?

… so if people said it isnt worth it, what will op do? stop trans-ing his 2practo weapon? Sell his weapon? Why do you even bother to ask if it is worth it if you already have one.

You’re absolutely right. I was talking about a related subject on a different thread involving the damage increases from STR.

I find it useful to calculate total skill factor in a rotation.

To use myself as an example I have (very) roughly 19071% Skill Factor per rotation. Using a Wingshard and Pygry Spear both +11 Trans Stage 5 on a 1000 DEF enemy:


190.71*3438*log10((3438/(1000+1))^0.9+1) = 397290


190.71*2923*log10((2923/(1000+1))^0.9+1) = 311673

80000+ damage per rotation. Now imagine with the better sub stats, higher Transcendence, extra gem slot, Glass Moles, and debuffs. The damage quickly adds up and even the seemingly small damage differences can equal millions of damage in a prolonged fight, or over the course of a farming session.


You already answered your own question…he could do either of those things. Or he was asking for friends/guildmates considering in not investing?..or are you saying people should only ask questions about their investments if they haven’t done anything yet?

Yes. If you already craft the weapon, then why bother asking if it is worth it to craft that weapon.

if he is asking for someone else who still considering about crafting 2 practo weapon, good for him. I hope he find the answer that he is looking for.

if he asking for himself while already crafted one, why even bother?

It is good if you afford the time and cost.
But invest in weapon as you know will be shadowed when new content coming.

Especially if you transcend it to high stage, pretty much you need to break the weapon and get the bless shards for newer weapon.

Content wise, you dont need that, but if you are happy to see the number then its worth.

Depends on server.

In Telsiai right now, you are stupid if you dont own 2 pract weapons.

I’m on of those people then haha :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

ofc it’s worth

blessed gem used at stage5-7 or later increase a lot

getting orange weapon is cheapest way to have better dps

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