Tree of Savior Forum

Archer Build, any good so far?

Hello everybody, I’m planning my archer build and thought about the following.

Is it any good?

Any advices on stats distribution? I’m kinda lost on how they work in the game yet…

Thanks in advance guys.

:mushroom:…they’re coming…:mushroom:

Intelligence… pure intelligence!

Or lack thereof, depending how you look at it xD

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What is the aim of your build? pve, pvp, group mobbing, solo mobbing, boss hunting or a mix of these?

Hey man, thanks for the reply.

I’m mainly a PVE player, more like a Group player and Boss Hunting, but will eventually need to solo level as well.

Sorry for this kind of question, I have done some research but still having some trouble understanding everything in the game.

look here for more information on skills, synergies, ideas and overall good times. When you inhale the knowledge hit me up with a build.