Tree of Savior Forum

Anyone willing to help newbie

Hi guys, I kind of have been searching the web for a dps wizard build, but can’t seem to find one with a full guide on it and is updated, can anyone enlighten me on what I should build if I want to go dps

Hi, go to Wiz3 Ele3 and Warlock ^^
Best DPS wizard!!

1:1 CON INT until u have 100 con invested, after do FULL INT :slight_smile:

hmm, do you have build I can follow? And also what gems do people use for warlock? and their gears??

Didn’t look hard enough. There is a guide to that exact build right here in the wiz section of the forums.

I build like that! :slight_smile:

Maybe u could link me? Like I said I haven found one which is updated and has full guide on fears and etc, maybe there is one which I found but had a few bad reviews

Bad reviews about this build?

i’m doing that build and i like so much!

Im referring to c2 gaming, as for your build, what about gearing? Any suggestions? Also u went 1 point in spell shield is there any use for it if its level 1

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Not play any wz>ele>wl nor plan to play in the future, but I’d just put a link to the thread

How does the level 90 arde dagger help with warlock build? Don’t we deal dark damage and arde has fire attribute?