Tree of Savior Forum

Anti Bot & Anti A**es

So i was thinking… how about putting a new system in the game that makes it so that… when a character attack an enemy that was already been hit by another charater… after a certain number of hits he gets the equivalent of “red name” of other games.

Getting red name means that:

  • decrease in stat
  • every player with a white name can attack and kill you in a PvP fashion
  • you can’t attack back

So in one single move we get rid of bots… and of Kill Stealers giving players the chance to make their own justice :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

OFC i don’t think something like this can be implemented in ToS but i find the idea kind of… satisfying xD

I mean… if they were truly serious about combating the botting problem they would be leveraging some form of behavioral biometrics to classify bot vs. human players.

So what’s the problem? I basically have very low faith that imc have the desire or the technical competency to implement such a feature…

See my proposal post:

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Yeah man i know i’ve read it… mine was more of a “joke proposal”… tho you hae to admit if it was possible to do it it would be freaking awesome to be able and kill the bots yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

They just need an actual claim system for mobs, first person to hit the mob gets the mob. Although that wouldn’t allow for how we used to handle bots, train them with mobs and get them killed every time they showed up.