Tree of Savior Forum

Another launcher error... HELP PLS

So, my launcher does not start ToS, this is what happens:

I open Steam and hit the “play” button on ToS

My Launcher asks for admin permisson, I click “Yes”

Launcher Opens like this:

As you can see, It looks like a Tree of Savior Launcher but the patching does not start. The half of a “0%” can be seen at the bottom left corner but it stays like that, It does not give any error, just freezes like in the image.

I already tryied:

Excluding it from the antivirus and firewall, reinstalling, deleting all XML files and running a Steam cache verification, Deleting all files on the Patch folder and running a Steam cache verification. Left the launcher overnight to see if I just needed to wait but nothing.

HELP! I really want to play the game so please try to help me somehow. Thanks!

Edit: More bad news,I left the launcher after reinstalling for a while and now it shows this error:

151622_001001 Failed to download files. This might be a communication problem. Please check your connection and restart client. (784)

My Internet is pretty bad, I admit, but other games work and also does Chrome and Firefox so I don´t Know what´s going on

Hope there is a solution, thanks!

In your TOS/release folder, what’s your last number on release.revision.txt ?
This error actually means there have been a mistake when downloading the latest .pak, so the game can’t start.

You mean the number added on the most recent day or the higher one?

Highest: 186060_001001.ipf

Most Recent: 151622_001001.ipf

I meant in steamsapps\Common\TreeOfSavior\release you should have a text file named release.revision.txt.
Usually you can fix this issue by trying to:

  1. Delete release.revision.txt
  2. Change the number in it by the error number you receive (so for you it’d be 151622)
  3. Change it to the patch after the one messing it (which would be 152808)

And I’m not sure if it can fix it, but the staff had posted this to help with revalidation issues: Little guide for better revalidation process