Tree of Savior Forum

AFK farmer solution

I think both are now in play.

The people who still use a 3PP to bot and then just monitor it (like in RO days, I’ve seen it rampant). My 2nd link is a recent example (just a few days ago).

Then we have the next level people using a 3PP to just f*ck you up directly. My 3rd link is a recent example of attack speed hackers (not really channel crashing but still hacking).

too much additional feature for some nuisance that can easily ignored. I never had any problems with afk players.

Actually those leecher bots were around lv 150 when i took the screenshot, now… they are mature bots rummaging around bee farm QQ
(both lv 170+ now, wizpyro2thaumscorc build)

They arent even for monitoring lol, bots are making more bots cause there is NO consequence.

You misunderstood me, again… I meant “monitor” like they have a person or someone actually looking at it. The old RO bot was a DOS-based program that had a simple interface that allowed you to see what’s going on and also alerts you if your bot is not performing well (openKore was the name if I remember correctly).

We’re making different points lol, but yeah, I get that they’re making bots to go with their bots.

It used to be like this though (taken back in June 2):

That’s 5 bots, in full support of each other, walking, moving, attacking in unison. All properly named and botting at obscure/unpopular maps.

I have a video of course, that’s been sent to IMC.

It should just log you out after set period of inactivity.

My bad, all I really know and care about now are

  1. IMC is not effectively banning bots
  2. Due to 1, bots are multiplying faster and faster.
  3. Also due to 1, bots are testing new waters to see how far they can take their exploits… to the point where they openly talk about it on the forums lol
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They pick A1-QS1 because they need ‘atleast rank 2’ to use team storage. <-which also imply they have token. It doesnt really have to be QS1 but they pick QS1 because QS1 can pick stones which they can then put onto the market for sale…genius. They just have to ‘sell stones’ to transfer their silver across accounts.

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Dina bee open pvp for every not doing quest.

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Afk farmers should be treated like bots and get banned. Then they would stop.

I’ve seen the same bots running around me at bee farm for months. The whole community over there has collectively reported them on a daily basis for over a hundred days. Enforcement is 0. There’s no hope.

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If is just for afkers, it might be easier for IMC to change the way silver are collected to how item are collected (where you have to walk over them to get it).

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I take out the freedom to respond to this like IMC would most likely do:


what if i told u, they care ■■■■, but that ■■■■ too big it takes time importing from Planet Mars

Trump winning president seat have higher chances than Dina afk sorcs are banned.

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Oh, so in their nonexistant mind they care? If there are no noticeable results they might as well not care. Cause statements like: “we do care, BUT…” are attempts of failed leaders trying to hide their fail.

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welp, IMC/TOS still a business…

its called public relation or something along the line…

Businesses tend to give statement that means nothing much…

"Reset assured it will be dealt with"
cricket cricket cricket

(hint: Silute server location… huehuehue)

You have such similar style of writing and speaking and one of you is only a week old. It’s just like one doesn’t use caps locks. Hmmm… Are you guys brothers? But those …'s I like to do those too sometimes… But not always 3 like you two. Maybe you’re me when I’m sleeping…

oh, u’re investigating if im making dups and replying to myself etc…

good luck~

mute 1 @haukinyau, 3 more appear~


we arent brother in blood but all those who endorse huehuehue spirit have identical traits!

winks winks

IMC dont need a GENIUS / additional program to solve prison and dinna bee problem
-search database for guardian spider / nuka / rabbe / etc
-set silver drop to zero
-pack and put it in maintenence next week
even 10 years old can do it in 10 minutes
the problem is next week we will expected in forum :
-IMC idi0t “my father is donald trump and you encourage me to buy from chinese” spwan like mushrom in rain forest

putting ban on a class that utilize summon to AFK farm is wrong
they’re not botting, just AFK
IMC will not fix this, because this is a feature from the game
if you want to farm like them, make sorc necro then farm for your selves


Ah, ic well may the autism be with you.