Tree of Savior Forum

Advice for Diev to Pd Build pls

Hey, currently deciding between a few builds for Diev to PD. Would like some advice comparing these. I’m aiming for pve dps/support hybrid, able to level well and participate in end game. Not interested in pvp here.

Cleric2 -> Krivis -> Diev3 -> PD
Cleric2 -> Diev3 -> Druid -> PD
Cleric2 -> Krivis -> Diev2 -> Druid -> PD

As you can see, it is mainly between diev3/druid/krivis. I’m mainly concerned about how efficient is the dps and levelling for owls, zaibas and carnivory. Is zaibas required so my early game levelling isn’t hell? How is level 5 owl compared to level 10 owl and carnivory?

I swear my post is on the front page. Anyways, see if this works for you:

There are so many people who are thinking Cleric has to have Zaibas for grinding. The idea is so wrong. If they have Zaibas, they will grind faster for sure but some builds are better without Krivis. Don’t waste 1 rank (15 class level) on Zaibas. It is a low level spell without any thing but pure damage which will scale off at higher level. Against some type of Mobs at level 65, my level 5 Zaibas already killed just 1 or 2 of them. There are some ways to grind without Zaibas. Cure can do more damage than Zaibas. Heal is good at hit a small group of Mobs. Normal attack with effective damage type weapon which is sword or mace can help you save SP and can deal good enough damage to 3 Mobs at the same time. If you have to go from Cleric class 1 into Cleric class 2, just get some level in Deprotected Zone and upgrade its duration attribute. It is the best spell against flying Mobs. Don’t forget to learn its sword attack attribute. Most of flying Mobs weak against Slash attack type, so use your sword+5 with it. Three of flying Mods will fall in 3-7 seconds. I can say without Zaibas, Cleric’s grinding is still better than some Archer’s or some Wizard’s at rank 2.