Tree of Savior Forum

[ADDONS] Discontinued/Broken Addon Development #2

ChatExtends I’m sure is the culprit.

Fated, since I’ve yet to encounter a Diev again, does the SimpleWarp [fix] you did still work? I need simplewarp again because it lags so hard everytime the world map loads… thanks!~

@IllFatedGaming Ayt! I’ll look into it, sadly Dievs are rare now :stuck_out_tongue: Thank you!

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Same here, and for some reasons mine is zoomed in by default. annoying…

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If for whatever reason my fix doesn’t work anymore, a dev on the jToS Addon Manager had the same idea as me and has a SimpleWarp fix and even a “Now Playing JP” addon which does the same as my fix, but may also display the names in JP… Haven’t tested that yet.

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hey i managed to fix it for some reasons i installed the Link Items add on to make it working… works fine now. Weird tho, it should work w/o it right?

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