Tree of Savior Forum

Add more Customization options! Weapon Skin, Back accessory, Mounts and Costumes Color

A great way of adding more customization to the game and ehancing the TP store experience is adding a variety of items that are popular in many other MMOs and would fit perfectly in Tree Of Savior.


I think it is safe to say having a skin tone option is a must in every single game that allows you to create a character. I love the game looks and I’m not jumping to any racist conclusions here but as a non-white person, I find it odd that there are no representation of any other races in this game.

Weapon Skin

Self explanatory, having it in the TP shop would be a bonus and I love to spend my money on cosmetic items when I love a game. Having the ability to change the look of you weapon for one with a more premium look or even different seathing / unseathing animations ( Lightsabers!!!)

Back accessory

In this category I would put items like wings, tails or anything that could fit with the current hair accessories.
-Tails: Dragon, Dog, Bunny, Tiger.
-Wings: Dragon, Angel, Devil.
-Misc: Cape, Scarf, Beads Chain, Floating items, Fairy/Pixie.


I know there is already a mount system in the game that is tied to classes. What I’m thinking is something like a travel type mount that you have to dismount to engage in combat. Those mount will have their own stamina bar of 150 pt and add 5 movement speed to your character current movement speed.

Costume Color option

Allow the costumes to have 2-3 color palette options so not all people from the same class looks the same


+1 for costume color option. We need more COOL costumes as well. wtf? school uniforms? this is a m-f’ing mmorpg. we want to be knights and wizards. not school kids -_-. also… wizards and clerics and archers get all the cool class costumes. warriors are just left with wtf costumes in some classes. definitely +1 for color changes.

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Agreed with everything. I would love a Black Barbarian costume.

Unlock class costume color palette change after taking C2-C3 of classes.
That be nice.

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And it’s simple to do. Just recolor the textures. Probably every class costume can be made whitin a week. It’s so easy.
If they want, they can even give me the textures and I myself can do this for them, for free.

I like the Costume Color option, but I didn’t like the wings too much.

Err… There’s already a winged costume. It have blue fairy wings. I don’t like it, so I just don’t use it.

But dragon wings, fire wings, demon wings, angel wings, fallen angen wings… This I will like.


Wings kind of have a strong lore significance in the game imo. Hence why only GMs dressed as “kupoles” get wings and etc. I’d rather not they forsake that to let players strap on a bunch of tacky things, even though I’ve loved it in other games and see the appeal a lot. It would be nice for higher level players to show better that they are…stronger, though.

Skin tone would add so much more variety in how people look haha…please imc. I know the issue is in part because they attached the skin…skin…to the outfits instead of layering on a naked model, but even recolors shouldn’t be impossible.

Adding to this, I’d really love like…differently colored mounts or mount accessories. After playing a hunter, things get a little confusing, especially since hunter bugs out the pet to hell and it’s everywhere and nowhere at the same time.