Tree of Savior Forum

Add 1 PVP channel to all maps on game (not countig cities)

The suggestion is simple, add one PVP channel to PVE maps in the game! :grin:
I think this would make the game funnier and less monotonous, besides will not compromisse the people that just wanna farm or grind.

Some plausible rules:

  • No PVP channel in the cities;
  • No Field Bosses on PVP channels;
  • No loss on equip durability when dying by another player;
  • ~Maybe an EXP bonus (like 10%) to encourage people to go there haha~

This is just an idea, so if you wanna improve this idea feel free to do so!



I don’t think it’s needed in all maps. Just a pvp map each 50 lvls would do fine. I remember those in ragnarok.

Why not in all maps? This could be a (harder) new way to play the game, and don’t affect the ones who don’t want PVP

most maps would be empty and people would consent in go in only one map.

Forced PvP shouldn’t be on a channel that you get auto-switched to either when loading a new area or logging in, because some people hate PvP (like me, and two others) with a passion.

Forced PvP didn’t work out well for games like WildStar (Which ended up becoming free to play due to low sales), Ether Saga Odyssey (Which switched to forcing PvE Maps only for channel auto-switching), and people getting upset about Dark Zone in The Division, among various other games.

Don’t get me started on how World of Warcraft is basically dead, now that Blizzard made that whole idle game system called “Barracks.” I could go on and on about how forcing PvP on people is bad.

But isn’t forced Pvp, is just a Pvp channel… And they can make to never auto-swich to this ch when you are changing the map. Remembering that is just a plus channel on the maps

Why not have a PvP arena that scales in levels for each city in the theme of the city?

Nice idea ! no bots on this maps , nice EXP , and all players respect to no die !


I like the idea, but I think we should have some limitation for some players did not abuse it.

For example, you could activate the PvP mode to reach level 100. Players below level 100 can not be attacked by other players.

When activated the PvP mode, you can kill other players. You will be Penalized by killing players, to be Penalized 10 times you will be considered a Player Killer. Any death above 10 will do just the Player Killer status is renewed.

When Penalized, you will receive a debuff less exp received and less gold received, and could not get into dungeons, or participate in pvp arenas 5v5 / 2v2, honest NPCs will ignore you, so you can not buy, sell or repairing items in them. In addition to not use the statues of goddesses.

A player with status Player Killer may be attacked by any player who has level 100+ without activating the PvP mode. Players killed by a Player Killer may apply a reward for the head of this Player Killer. Any Player Killer approaching the NPC guards will be attacked by them.

By killing a player with mode PvP activated will not be applied to Penalty.

Around the statues of the Goddess is a safe zone, as well as cities and other places deemed necessary.

The debuff Penalty(1 to 9 deaths) and Player Killer(10 deaths or more) will only be removed from the player if he stays online near some statue of the goddess for a given time (there may be quests to reduce the Penalty)

You may have a chance to drop the equipment or random items from players with Player Killer status, but I’m not sure in this regard.

Well, I believe that’s it. Maybe I am missing something that would suggest, but the idea is this.

Maybe something is confusing, forgive me for my bad English.

I don’t think one channel would do the trick here. I’m more into pvp servers.

That beeing said: I don’t think there will be anything more going on in a pvp channel than bored 280s running all over the maps killing every player in their path.
No thank you?

If ToS introduces open world PvP (and I hope they will) one pvp channel wouldn’t do the trick. There needs to be a system in place that considers level differences and protects lower players.

Maps like Roxona Reconstruction Agency should be a pk map. Yes, a pk map regardless of channels.

This will also result to some kind of end-game pvp content for some guilds.

I really liked the idea, would be great to have a fedimian pvp area haaha

I think you are right, but the penalties that you make is a little too rigorous haha. The pvp channel should have a pk option to put ‘on’ or ‘off’, like liantis24 said, there will be many 280’ killing random people in those channels…
I think that is a good idea too if a player with a difference of 20~50 levels higher then other player wouldn’t be able to hit this person… We need to discuss more :slight_smile:

This would drive players away more than it would help.

You don’t see the good in it. I guess you’re one of those guys who just likes to camp bosses all day.

I have no idea how people can even be against an idea that only brings more options to the gameplay and doesn’t affect anybody that doesn’t want to participate in it.

You people really like to look for things to get offended about.

So what if high level people come grief? The channel is optional anyway, who cares?
Worst case scenario people will just go back to playing normally as we are playing now.

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This :heart:

Nope. I do the content as intended. I play the game for the story, quests and partying with other people. I don’t “camp” things. I never have, in any of the MMORPGs I’ve played.

All I want to see is guilds contesting other guilds for world bosses. For two reasons: One, it creates pvp content. Two, so that world bosses and their drops keep their worth. Cmon, it’s a world boss we’re talking about. It’s supposed to be somewhat hard.

The current system allows everyone to have an equal chance. That’s a good thing. But it’s more bad than good. Don’t be so close-minded.

Wait what, I was talking about the other guys, I didn’t give my opinion on PK on world bosses.

By the way I would also love that. World bosses should be an actual competition, not a DPS competition.