Tree of Savior Forum

About iToS FAQ / confirms no Trade?

What the heck would you even trade? Most items you can get easily…

I don’t agree with how trading is limited but I can not see how anyone could say that the current trade system is p2w.

You must pay to be able to trade, as a precaution to gold sellers (that just so happens to actually work). And you can not trade silver or high value (NPC value) goods, so it’s literally just to transfer items between friends.

I don’t agree with it because if they remove silver trading, then trading itself doesn’t have to be limited to paid players, it can be open to all.

That being said, trading isn’t even something people would do to earn money in ToS. Each trade is 1 potential loss which is pretty bad, and mats/recipes have a 1 trade limit regardless.

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I gave my friends silver so the auction item wouldn’t lose two potential, since it would need to go through my hands as well. Or at least that’s how I recalled it. I also like giving away silver to friends when I’m maxed out on equips.

Trading behind pay gate has nothing to do with goldsellers since goldsellers can just do what they do best by making gold and buying the token off of AH.

What it does is makes YOU have to pay irl money to trade or buy with in game money. Either way YOU have to pay for it.

I would however say that the fact you can’t trade gold MIGHT be a gold seller prevention or it might also be because they want you to have to use AH to trade your stuff instead of outside it forcing you to want to buy the token again since you can sell more items with it.

They’re tricking you into thinking that it’s “okay” by saying it’s goldseller prevention when it’s really not.

2 Likes Explore.

I heard that you can’t trade silver through 1:1 trade even with token

You can only trade silver through AH by sell/buy items there and each items in AH have their price locked with min/max 10% to prevent player buy gold by selling cheap items with high price in AH. If it can’t affect gold sellers, it still affect people who buying their gold.

Free user can still trade without Token, they can buy whatever they want through AH. Free users can buy Token through AH with reasonable price, you don’t have to pay real money.

That’s exactly why they disabled trading… If bots could trade silver they would be everywhere in ktos right now.

All I see are items you get as you level besides rare stuff that needs to get crafted, you can just put that on the market.

Because I have friends (money, equipment, etc)

Like every other mmorpg lol

Did you not read the rest of my post? You can still trade items that are worth silver which you could sell either to npc or off of AH. They could even pick out a random new item and make that the new silver if they really wanted and just trade in high quantities of that item. Talt for example would be great for that since it’s worth a lot of silver and there’s high supply of it and people don’t want it. So goldsellers could sell x amount of Talt to you which is effectively the same thing as x amount of silver.

I also heard they were selling whole accounts filled with silver as well so I suppose you could buy your own items and trade them to your main at your own pace or just simply switch to that account. Which is easier for them since they don’t have to think about tokens at all.

They’re a shady business that are going to keep on doing what they do despite a few of these minor inconveniences to them. All it does in the end is cause problems for the players not the goldsellers.

Sorry I didn’t read carefully

But it doesn’t mean IMCgames shouldn’t try this method, they may improve or change it later. Token isn’t a problem at all since they are very cheap and last very long if you farm gold in high level areas.

If they let players and gold sellers trade freely again, the amount of bots will be out of hand (botters can hack AOE, teleport,…), people will cry even more.

I wonder if Gold sellers could use bot without Steam and sell steam accounts freely. Sorry I don’t have much experience with Steam.

As i recall from CBT, whenever you 1:1 trade an item, it loses 1 potential (upgrading and enhancing has the chance to remove 1 potential) and at 0 potential, the item then becomes untradeable. I found that system to be very effective for it takes high value items out of the economy and makes room for new items to be introduced. If the paid token only changes the trade system so you dont lose potential when 1:1 trading, wouldnt that be enough ?

Also, totally agree that hiding the trade system behind a pay wall is ineffective and will do nothing other than keep people from playing this game. If i wanted a single player game with occasional playing with or versus other players, i would play dark souls.

All those rare craftables are reason enough though, even though there’s many other rare equips with drop-rates under 1%. (Krausas Mace / Linne Bracelet / Materials used for crafting / Hats)

The problem though is if I just want to give it to a friend; I can’t do that without both of us having Tokens. So everytime I’d want to give something important to someone w/o the Token, I’d have to use the market-place and we would both have to time it properly so no one else gets it first. This is way too inconvenient, especially since other people would camp the market-place for opportunities like this and may end up buying it first.

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My friend plays on Korea, is not there:
Exchange between players (sharing only between the holders of premium, 30 transactions per month);
No buyback, it cut off on December 29 and probably not going to include;
A great number of bots and the lack of opportunity to complain to them

Sorry for necroing this topic but I’d like to ask, the only possible way to buy tokens with silver is through the auction house right?

Yes, that is correct.


Thanks for answering my question :thumbsup: