Tree of Savior Forum

A suggestion by the next 10 and 11 raks " Fake Ranks"

imo this its a nice feature. by fake ranks I mean be able to take a rank from other tree but with some restrictions.
like for example if I am an AA archer like the actual bullet maker and i need chose the next rank of AAbullet maker. maybe its betther for them take a “fake rank” of linker. this rank must give some skills of the 3 circlesa. but obviusly if they take this it will be to improbe theyr AA build. with Joint penaly and hangman so and because its only one rank teyr must chose to max the joint penalty or use others skills fron the linker tree.

in other example, if i have a AA mage like an enchanter 2. and enchanter 3 only gives a litle bit more of damage to ligthning hands instead of take enchanter 3 and increase the damage of ligthning hands from 500% to 600%
may be they can choce a “Fake Rank” of corsair and become a full AA magical Swordman , if theyr use their 15 skills poins on double weapon assaul

resume. in rank 10-11 implement a “FAKE RANK” who will be “LIKE” the third rank of some classes and gives acces to some skills of that class to another diferent class tree

and i think that the FAKE RANK classes must be some like the nice classes forgotten for theyr useless on theyr own tree, because they are out of the meta builds. maybe like rogue , barbarian, every C3 class used since the begining of the game

Not exactly same thing you’ve suggested, but we have something another prepared for Ranks, well to be specifically for some Classes, not entirely but have few candidate on work for some update.

Hey, is Pied and Exorcist coming to us this month? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m so excited to play Exo, i cant waittttt

We’re aiming for early July, 10th of July… roughly.


Oh i see… time to start that countdownnn, i’m so excited!!!

What about next events? Can you give us any hints of whats coming??
I am missing some fortune cookies since lately it has all been about atribute points

I think there was a dev blog where they said they intent to only release new r5-7 classes and “rank 10” and further will add flexibility to builds and be less of a power creep.

I doubt any cross-core-class functionality will ever exist. At least not until monster gems will start to give lv1 skill even if you dont have/its not your class skill (this is truly a missed opportunity, imo). IMC have done some ground work for this tho with velcoffer set skills (*active skills that none of classes in your current build can normally use).

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Good that we will have 1 month to repair the server Silute SA, because it is impossible to play. prioritize the server repair until there please.

The freeze on silute will disapeear when this patch arrive?

i remember some about a master rank or some like that in a announce like 1 year ago. but I would like to see more freedom on build. in terms of the 4 base trees. a lot of player ask for a magic swordman or a better archer with swords and daggers.

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