Tree of Savior Forum

A little rant about ToS support / Read this if you support finding the location of the White Ribbon Decoration Boater!

So I sent in a support ticket about the White Ribbon Decoration Boater drop because no one has gotten it from what I’ve seen, no matter how much searching I do. Only Reddit has a lead and I’m not even sure if it’s true. A few people backed up its existence in the Korean version though.

Anyhow, this is my message:

Dear IMC,

I have killed 6k infrorocktors for half a day in West Siauliai Woods and did not gain a “White Ribbon Decoration Boater.” In the Korean version, a guy killed 30,000 of them in West Siauliai Woods to get one. This information is based off a reddit post but it seems to be true. For this version of Tree of Savior however, this does not seem to be the case. I have messaged the people on the leaderboard for killing these Infrorocktors and one of them is even my friend. My friend, Wizlert, who has killed 35,000 of them gained 4 MONSTER GEMS in total from all of the kills but not one boater. I know it’s all based on RNG but when you get to the point where a guy has killed 35,000 or even 45,000+ like the other people on the list, you know that you should have at least gotten ONE boater by then, even if it’s 0.00001%. The whole RNG system needs looking into if you can’t get an item with such a low drop chance by then.

Thus, I would like to ask to confirm whether or not this boater actually drops from Infrorocktors. I do not want to spend most of my game time playing Tree of Savior just killing infrorocktors for naught. If I at least knew they dropped them, maybe I would keep trying. But it seems like a waste of time to hunt something for days and not get any results or learn it was just wasted because the item didn’t actually drop from them like they do in the Korean version.

If you could tell me this, I would be satisified. And if the answer is yes to whether or not they drop the boater, then I would also like to request looking into the drop rate of the boater as it is way too low or maybed even BUGGED into never dropping. Like seriously, 45,000 kills and no boater? No matter how you look at it, that’s poor game design in my opinion.

I’ve read on one post from an IMC member that they did not want to spoil the game when the player asked the same question I’m hinting at: "Where does the “White Ribbon Decoration Boater” drop?

I know, I know. You don’t want to spoil the game or gameplay experience right? No one wants to be spoiled but when it comes to small things like cosmetic items and not extremely exclusive things like new quests or bosses, surely you or someone can just let us know where the thing drops and its chance for dropping?

Please, SPOIL US! Or at least me, it will definitely not ruin my game experience. I’ve been with this game since your first CBT with 735 hours of gameplay. You literally cannot spoil anything else for me except future content or where certain items drop. And honestly, telling someone where an item drops and its % chance is something that isn’t a big spoiler compared to something much more detailed in my opinion (I.E future areas, bosses, monsters).

I don’t mind if you, the support person reading this has to go send a message to the devs or just ask around but I would REALLY APPRECIATE just this little detail of where the “White Ribbon Decoration Boater” actually drops in the game. IS IT EVEN IN THE CURRENT GAME? Or will it be available in a future patch? Literally 80% of the game has already been datamined by other players since CBT and the data has been put onto other game databases for player reference. Of course, not all of the game’s information has been found (especially drop rates) due to encryption or just it not being available. I don’t know much about datamining but I do know that players do this to find out what they can learn about the game that the developers won’t tell them. As a gamer, I like to know the small details too, you know.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I don’t know how many players have actually been messaging the support team about this issue but I’ve met a few who I know have sent in tickets with generic responses. I would really appreciate some feedback.

Sincerely, your conqueror of Infrorocktors and never ever getting a boater from them –


Here’s their response:

Greetings Savior,

Thank you for contacting us.

apologize for the inconvenience. However, we want to inform you that
obtaining White Ribbon Decoration Boater are purely randomize and we do
not have any control regarding this kind of situations.

Just keep your hopes up and by soon you’ll acquired this item.
If you have any other concern, please do contact us.

Best Regards,
Tree of Savior Support

I don’t know what I was expecting. That little sliver of hope of me actually getting a written response from a person with a brain instead of a copypasta response was there. But this pretty much crushed it.

So there’s that. I know ToS support is pretty much a joke but I wish it would be a little more… human. To me it feels like they don’t even care. The person looking at my message could have at least written a more unique response to make me feel like they actually bothered to read about my problem. The response they sent is the same response others have gotten when inquiring about an item such as this boater.

So that’s my rant. At least I tried. It would be nice if IMC could actually tell us at the very least whether this boater is in the game. I really want to know that because there’s very limited information on it and simply grinding mindlessly on one enemy every day all day for a possible drop isn’t my cup of tea. Asking where an item drops isn’t much to ask for in my opinion.

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I’ve been following the white boater thread for a while but didn’t see this. Thanks a lot, now I know the rumor is legit. <3

But yeah, their support does suck and needs working on.

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Agreed.That boater is probably the only thing in the game I’d ask for a tweak on in terms of drop rate.It’s just ridiculous.

op: give me my hat
imc: lel who ceresss keep trying nab

There’s also a guy that took 90,000 kills in kTOS to get the boater. RNG is RNG.

I don’t like grinding in this game mostly because of the respawn times and frequent channel hopping and worse if a bot’s in the area.

It might not be so bad otherwise?