Tree of Savior Forum

A Few Questions About In Game Events


I haven’t really seen these questions asked around the forum so I’ll ask em here.

  1. I know there are world bosses but are those part of the game or are they GM spawned?

  2. Do the GM’s have a bunch of in game events they do on a regular bases.
    ex// In Secret of The Solstice ( a Ragnarok clone) every few days they would get on and do a little events with whoever was on. This ranged from following them from map to map killing a ton of enemies. Killing a huge boss. Or killing a pinyata stuffed with materials that would boost strength, health etc.

  3. If they do in game events. Is there a schedule where we can see when they will appear? Or has there even been talk about a schedule anywhere?

That’s it for now


  1. World spawn naturally but at the end of the ICBT1 the GMs spawned some for a event

  2. They did a few during the Betas but hard to say what it will be like at release.

  3. They were some what spontaneous usually announced server wide in game a little ahead of time.

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  1. The Different between Field Boss and Party Event Boss
  2. I don’t know @_@
  3. ^ but GM can do announcement msg in game if they want to
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