Tree of Savior Forum

7 hours maintenance for transfers

Thats the spirit, im actually kind of glad there doing another transfer i was scared that i wouldn’t get in :C

Everyone was freaking out in the orsha and K servers :joy:

Wait a tic.
Is it possible they spammed all 4 servers by mistake and was supposed to do it on Fedimian/Telsai not Orsha/Klap?

Maybe O:, that would suck though xD they said to do “Team Transfers” not to switch servers

Yeah I am confused. Since pretty sure they said the team transfers were happening in the previous 24 hour maintenance. Now… this?

They did mention this for EU/SEA

There is a chance they accidentally spammed Orsha/Klapedia channels for this

As Orsha player, I demand for compensation since it shouldn’t impact us (",)

It’s 12 minutes past the expected downtime.

GM trolled us in Klap/Orsha zzz
Nothing to see. Moving on.

For all the ppl that say the Orsh and Klap is not going down. See for yourself.

TEAM transfer previous 24 hours maintenance, but now is the Server relocation for 7 hours

Ah thanks!!!
Errr… when is it starting?
Surprise timing? :scream:

Dont know, that was posted 20m ago lol

Except they stated in the message to Klaipeda “Team transfer”. I was there, I got the message, along with countless others.

It seems the message itself may have been in error as they stated the same down time as the EU and SEA. However we still got it.

okayyy is this time real?

LOL @ Last comment in chat.

Back to Salem I go. They could have at least given a 30 minute warning. :no_mouth:

wait what

We are getting LOW PING !!! FINALLY!!!

My condolences to the guy who can’t play because of this. :joy:

Well, I’m logged in on Klap, sooooo…?