Tree of Savior Forum

[600+ VOTES! šŸŽ‰] Gacha poll, do we want it? IMC need to understand we're not koreans

I wouldnā€™t really call it p2w, sure technically it is but buying silver is not allowed so for me thatā€™s just cheating like hacking or exploiting or botting. :confused:

The problem: Most people will NEVER get punished for that stuff and it only hurts those who play legit. Meanwhile IMC milks people anyways for literally the same thing or forces pseudo botting with AFK silver farming. Itā€™s just all around piss poor game design and management.

Ktos is dead from very long, itos milking is for funding their new mmo + ktos and mobile version.
Itā€™s only korean quality like rodelero ā€œhigh kickā€ that is a low kick, no wonder taekwondo is like chuck norrisā€™facts.

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then just buy 50 tokens and sell them and you can do the same thing, points the same, p2w arrived the moment all items became tradable

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Then make everything untradable and everyone would call it ā€œTree Of Soloā€ ā€œTree Of Restrictionā€ again. Cocks in IMCā€™s arse either way.

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[quote]not halfway 6months into the game and suddenly kancho your butt

And i agree, P2W gacha bullshit should never be in game whatsoever. But making items tradable isnā€™t P2W in my POV.

So this thread did absolutely nothing?

Thanks for not listening, IMC.

Well it seems they didnt remove all the costumes from the market. They placed a new one in the market along with a bunch of head gear but you know that is just how it shows from the announcement. We will have to see after the maintenance what really happens.

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Honestly not surprised. Just means they wont get money from me any more. Its as simple as voting with your wallet.

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IMC Doing stuff like this instead optimize the game and deal with botsā€¦

I would like to remind everyone who is assuming that everyone else values time and money the same way they do

I am in that second category and fortunate enough to have enough spare time to be competitive with everybody short of those that spend entire weeks on the game.

Tos is a korean grinding gameā€¦
If you dont have the time to grind for hours maybe its the wrong game?

It has nothing to do with ā€œstay competiveā€ if the whales buy cubes for xxx ā‚¬/$.

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IMC giving us the crap 30tp junk gacha instead of the 10tp one that is truly value for money, I want that 10tp cube NOW

just buy a lot of 30tp gachas and soon the more P2W 10tp gachas will strike upon us :slight_smile: let IMC know that you like gachas and more will come! KR can confirm :+1:

They will lose many ppl playing this game if they dont change it.

where is the practonium cube?


So the months pass and the problematic gacha system is still there.
IMC really hates the players and lets them feel that hatred.


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