Tree of Savior Forum

50,000 Kills Later~


Those poor poor infrorocktors, dying for no reason. The horror.
Sorry OP.


thats the kTos thats confirmed, not itos.
anyway :confused: thanks for your hard work

Someone mentioned before that a person in Silute server got a hat from Infrorocktor, so I went out to see if it actually real.

So…yeah. While it does seems effort was in vain, at least I feel somewhat satisfied. I injured my left hand and I farmed it with pure mouse mode so nyeh, it only takes 22 hours of killing to get 50k on my Kabbalist.

This is basically the only info I can find on it. There is no confirmation that it exists on the iToS version and from what I read, Koreans have grinded over 50k to around 100k before seeing even one.

legendary status confirmed.

What frustrated me most is Support team answer regarding it. I would understand if I ask the drop rate but all I wanted is if its possible.

I’m not stopping at 50k atm, I’ll keep going on this fool’s errand until my injury heals.


Eh don’t take it personally. The most logical conclusion is that the support team would have had to walk up to one of the programmers and say, “Hey, this item exist?” Make the programmer go look to verify it all just to come back and reply to some random guy’s support ticket and say yes or no. They obviously weren’t going to do that lol.

However, if enough people were able to confirm it doesn’t drop, it can warrant some bug reports and that might change it, if it really is a bug.

I sent another ticket about that yesterday. This is what i got.


Sounds about right. Not disclosing information is to cover their own asses just in case.

well telling one player the drop rates/drop mechanics of a mob should not be done.

what would be more reasonable is to ask exactly which patches the itos got from ktos. and since we know the drop rate of ktos is 50k-100k mobs, you’ll have 50k more to go :p…

All I asked on the ticket was if the hat exists in our version, not drop rate or how to obtain it o3o

Killed around 30k, no boater >.<"

This is what “motivates” me on committing mass genocide on those poor Infrorocktors.

Don’t feel bad… 26,000+hanaming not “1” gem or hat

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A lot of the drop rates in this game for simple items is just unnecessarily low.


I have one, Silute server


How many kills before you got 1? And I assume it is from Infrorocktor.

how many hours you spent doing this?