Tree of Savior Forum

2 handed sword Shinobi

Hi, I haven’t played ToS in a long while but came back for the anniversary event and have been leveling up a Bullet Marker, but seeing as I still have a SW3>HL3>SHIN>BRB1 back from when I played that I really enjoyed. I’ve been thinking about using the returning savior reset on it.

After searching about patches and current builds I’ve gotta ask about the one that caught my attention: is SW2>HL2>DOP3>SHIN any good right now? Did the higher cooldown when using clones screw clone builds? Is full STR viable? And as for skill distribution, would this one I found on TOSBase work:


Seems good from what I know about SW, HL and SHIN but I can’t say I know a thing about Doppel.
Also, is there another 2 hand build that would work better than this one? It only caught my attention because it seems like the one I had but with Doppel skills as a plus (it always seemed fun to see them spinning around).

If 2hand builds turn out to not be viable I guess I’m using the reset on my Kannushi. Still, it’s kinda sad that the returning savior reset is only for one character, so I’ve gotta choose between the two either way.

2handed sword Shinobi are more than viable. Usually they are coupled with Doppel so you will have strong clone rotation and strong off-clone rotation. The most powerful Doppel-nobi builds right now, after this patch that gave a ton of new copyable skills to Shinobi, are usually centered in SW3-Barb2-Doppel3-Shinobi (in parties) or SW1-HL2-Barb2-Doppel3-Shinobi (solo), from what I’ve seen.

You may also refer to Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE] from @Lostac to check some things, really strong debate over there.

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Thanks, checking this thread I even learned there’s a free reset for shinobis right now, so I can actually reset both my Kannushi and my Shinobi. :haha:

And reading that it seems like my thread is useless and I should have just posted there, sorry about that. At least I learned that HL2 got hit pretty hard by the longer cooldowns and it really seems like it’s worth it to exchange it for barb2. Gotta try it a bit and check how the discussion goes, as I’m still pretty unsure about which skills to choose.

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I dunno about Doppel skills (which are most of the discussion right now in that post, since the class lacks a lot of points), but the SW and Barb skills are pretty much standard though.

In SW3 you put GungHo 15, Pain Barrier 15, Double Slash 5. The 10 remaining points can be freely distributed in Concentrate, Restrain or Bash 3 (just for the knockdown CC).

In Barb2 you max Cleave (10) and Seism (5), probably Warcry (5) and Frenzy (5), and last 5 points would go into Helm Chopper.

(Now, I am just guessing, but I suppose that on Doppel you would max the C3 clonable skills, DoV probably, put at least 6 points on Redel, 1 point in Punish, at least 3 points in Cyclone? Dunno if it helps, but it is kinda like “max the strong clonable skills” mixed with the old Doppel meta, if I remember it correctly. In any case, you can always use for a more updated skill build database :smiley: )

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