Tree of Savior Forum

Tree of savior fanart thread

Is there any? I bet there is, and if there is not, Im of starting a thread for it.

Even if I dont know how to draw, I made something, I call this doodle “Holycrapthatoutfitissogoofimgoingthatclassonlycuaseofit!”.

I invite everyone in this forum to do a drawing to liven things up.
Why dont you do a drawing of the class youre aiming for this 2nd iCBT? It would be neat.


Next time use the search button please. I typed “Fanart” in the search function and got it in the first topic.

I question how you even managed to draw that well on what looks like ms paint hahaahah
But i respect.
I shall participate in approximately 8hours with my drawing.

Talent, talent I say! ^^

I made a sword in the past, does that count? ( maybe you can use it in your barbarian drawing? team? xD )

LOL yeah you’re right everybody is in love with that fencer outfit so much xD

Found it! xD Sadly, that is the limit of my ability xD

That actually looks really good, I love pixel art.

Frilly noble outfit… yeah.
I wait for the dancer class to come around.

Or the swimsuit class xD!

A quick sketch if what i want to be :smiley:

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Why are you ripping your ■■■■ off? xD Edit: I guess you want to be an eunuch? xD

Ohhh that one is really neat.

Ignore and flag him, he’s been posting inappropriate pics in different other threads.