Tree of Savior Forum

Where I can find a Shinobi Quest guide?

If the scroll is in one of the jars, you can interact with it and start getting it. It doesn’t have a visual.

so its in the jars lol?

Yes :mushroom: :mushroom:

is shinobi stronger than dragoon?

Depend on the skill of the user and build with respect to either PVP or PVE.

someone please post the ch and time please! when you find the blank scroll in the server SEA TELSIA

got it at CC3 at 8.02pm SEA Varena just below mercenary post

someone please post the ch and time for blank scroll ;-; Server : [SA] silute

does the flower spawn with a sound??

This Quest Guide

                  SHINOBI QUEST GUIDE


Just got the flower. Orsha 2:25 pm channel 1. Camped for 4 hours. The last one I know of was yesterday 3 pm also channel 1.

HELP! I finished the flower quest thing. But now im on my advancement to shinobi. I talked to the shinobi master and everything. But shinobi advancement quest doesnt appear. How come?

If someone can help me that would be nice

Edit: I found out what the reason is. Its the scroll with writings. Whenever i talk to shinobi master, it is not appearing. Fml

To those who are asking about the quest

yes you can begin as early as rank 4 or 5

but this doesnt guarantee you shinobi as soon as you reach rank 7

but instead it allows you to see the shinobi master in musafalsa (or whatever the map is called xD)

but you dont unlock alemeth til 200+ so i guess you’ll finish this at rank 6?

yea so thats it

you dont get to be guaranteed shinobi at rank 7

you just get to see shinobi master and when you reach rank 7 you can warp to her and begin the advancement quest

i hope that cleared up some questions :d

talk to the shinobi npc 2 times then click on your class advancement icon at right side. you should have shinobi class unlock for your to choose and it should have quest lead to shinobi npc. which is the quest: InSecret[ shinobi advancement] Area: Ruklys Hall of Fame

edit: yellow flower im quite sure it spawn for every channel at 4hrs timer.
I was camping and met a frend who is camping too few hours later he got the flower at ch3 but I don’t for ch2 so I waiting few more hours and it spawned too went to check back ch3 theres nothing.

Believe, got mine today ( Channel 2 , time 09:32 AM ).
There is no 4-hour respawn, or 6 or 8. The respawn is random, I was at all possible time slots and nothing random I went out and I was about 2 hours and a bit and appeared to flower.

Cheers and good luck

Btw, excelent topic.

Experiencing hell with finding the yellow flower

we share the same brother, though I don’t camp for too long. how long have you been waiting? I’ve been waiting 3 weeks with 1 hr every weekdays and 3 hrs every weekends. this fookin flower needs to be reworked

Many people told me that in order to spawn the flower it depends on the amount of green corpse flowers you kill

0 flowers on fedimina server