Tree of Savior Forum

"Tenet Church Collection", Where is it ?_?

no1 seems to know where it is, i heard its not from a chest. (i have all the others thanks to toscamp)

does any1 know? can you please tell me u,u

1F is in the center room by the left passageway entrance behind a pillar.

2F is in the top left room in the right corner i believe.

Can’t think of the B1 one.

i should have mentioned i got all the others beforehand (toscamp), so stupid of me, I’ll edit it in.

no1 seems to know where the “Tenet Church Collection” is, any help would be nice.

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Same here, any ideas?

i do want it too :slight_smile: bump


Nothing till now? 20stuff

Also trying to locate the "Tenet Church Collection"
After digging for awhile it looks like it is from a lvl2 chest in veja ravine?

Although, there is no chest like this appearing on my screen and I can’t seem to figure out why.
Anyone have a similar issue or was able to figure it out?

As far as I know, those chests are not in-game anymore, those were available in-game during the beta test period, they had them in-game to test out the Collection System feature, and once they sorted out whatever they needed to, they just removed them and replaced them with the ones we have now.

The only reason why you still see them in your collection tab is because the files are still in the client.