Tree of Savior Forum

Pretty clear why the game barely gets new players now

So far its all about preferences. I still play with my 25 characters vary from lv 1 to lv 470 and now they are all almost lv 470.

As @Gambit said, this game is “take it or leave it” game. Until the devs really checks the global player suggestions (right now they only see the korean kTOS opinions), the game just stays as it is.

I think only Klaipeda & Telsiai servers are playable ? Because we still have new players around and lots of item stock so the price is not inflated as much.

Ah… yes…
But that’s like prior existence of probably cm as it’s milestone
Prior to cm people would hunt mobs in field to leveling or farm mats and the game has more social aspect (as well as botters), was good time indeed
Now leveling has little to no meaning, it doesn’t even have any sense of pride in entitle max level despite we have huge numbers of level, and mats are provided by doing repetitive raids which for me more hollow than field hunt, and the game crafting now is just meh compare to the original game crafting that is dead post skiaclipse unique era.
After cm it’s still quite party oriented but tbh it’s becoming even more solo game in every aspect even economy, especially now where more progress are locked to each account and silvers are tone down to reduce people power in economy thus imc control it with their gachas

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how many players i got using the returning/new player gear and ignoring the growth TT

Because there are so many other good games to play that provide much much better quality time


bug&bot&play game props to make money players


it’s hard for me to buy anything from the market. i don’t have enough silvers to upgrade my vaivora, or buy more scales. it’s feels impossible for me to catch up

I thought I was crazy or alone in this, because every year I download ToS back to play it and every year I am utterly disappointed. This year I found out that it’s changed completely, it’s unrecognisable, I couldn’t even recognise my characters that I had fun levelling up back when the game came out.

I’m so sad at returning to this game, I’ve got only a sense of the company itself stealing my time by making me connect to such a fraud of a game.

I’m going to try to list a few things that need to be changed to get an amazing game back.

  • Please, remove the boost to max level, this is outrageous, simply give players free Token and x32 Exp boosts, but taking them to max level (On top of giving them those, and more?). We want to levelup our own characters, otherwise, the purpose of playing is entirely defeated, whoever thought this was a good idea in dev department, should be fired immediately for being the most stupid person to ever develop a game. HAVE A GAME WITH LEVELS BUT MAKE PLAYERS START AT MAXIMUM HUEHUEHUE really doesn’t sound like bad marketing practice anyone?

  • Lock content by level. Yes, you heard me, I don’t want to know about guilds, or chat with other people on channels until I’ve hit at least lvl 20-30, it should be only communication with people I find on the same map as me and me calmly questing my way to learn the ropes. I find it extremely annoying that the WHOLE WORLD is explorable with no level caps, before this used to confuse me because I would end up in a map lvl 130 when I was lvl 49, just because they’re right next to eachother. So please, SPLIT THE REGIONS BETTER, reduce the amount of maps (Really, this, is key for your game to go back to being succesful, you’ve got a world WAY too massive to explore, too unrewarding to do so and it doesn’t even keep you interested in doing so).

  • I am bored senseless because the UI literally prevents me from seeing anything in the game whilst I play it.
    Whilst using skills, running, even whilst just checking my own inventory, the UI is just triggering an unexplainable rage within me whilst not even looking at the whole thing, it’s just so uncomfortable that it enrages you. Nobody wants sudden popup elements that take each 5% of the screen.

  • Tutorial(Controls) needs to be reworked, asap, including ALL and EVERY kind of key combination that opens any tab (F1-F9, explain how to open guild, how to search guild, how to do EVERYTHING, explain it like you’re explaining it to a baby, because as of right now, you’re explaining NOTHING even whilst having an actual explanation popup in game).

  • I cannot remember mobs, classes, or NPC names, not even city names, I can’t get attached mentally emotionally or any way at all in this game to any kind of content because the simple sheer amount of it overwhelms me. I don’t need 20 classes for Swordsman that force me to choose between my 2 types of favourite warrior weaponry.
    Yes, best selling trait of ToS, is that you can be a Dragoon, A Barb and a Martial artist at the same time.
    These classes need to be reduced in number, there really doesn’t need to be many classes per category if all you’re gonna do is create copies of skills just changing the weapon types, allow warriors to use ANY weapon type in ALL of the skills, and give UNIQUE TRAITS to weapon types instead.

  • For the love of god, we came for a mmorpg, we want to play with people, I remember back in the day, I still could group up with people my level, I think now low level content is a solo experience?
    This is firmly tied to the boosting side of this complaint.

  • Please add relevancy to which mobs are where and why they are there as well as their interactions with the map itself, as a youtuber said, 3 bosses can appear in 1 mine and theyre totally unrelated to the mine and interact nothing with it, ground could collapse at some point against a big ennemy, earthquakes from boss stomps could make rocks fall from the ceiling of a cave and damage players AoE, GIVE US SOMETHING INTERESTING.

Overall, this game needs a wipe, like literally, go back in time and undo all what has been done to it, because its trash.
However if they just stop bootsing people, emphasize party play, narrow down content and rework the UI, THIS SHOULD ALREADY INCREASE THEIR GAME POPULATION BY 100000%.

IMC is just trying to do anything and everything for retaining and sticking players to the game. But in turn its making the game even worse

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The wrong intention is problem here. IMC looks and works for retention and not for a enjoyable game, which retains players all of itself.

I got back into this game precisely because of the boosts. I’m not spending hours upon hours just to get to the level 470 endgame. Most people that play MMOs these days play them for the endgame, not the boring ass grind or the shitty MMO story.
If more people knew about this boost and all the free stuff they’d probably try this game out. I only found out about it because of my friend.

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For me , goddess patch is a big mistake . Changing gear progress from team base to char base and lack of enchantment material obtained from raid easily cause player to feel burnout. Furthermore , reducing silver drop from cm/ds kill costume collecting players as they don’t have enough budget to buy things from the market.

Non-stop adding new gears is a barrier for new/return players . With ep14 , we have goddess accessories and (RNG) earring and I am certain we will have more gears as IMC plan to add new raid every 2-3 months.

Not to mention regarding sv issue , this game requires a good ping due to hack-and-slash game style but we always have sv issue every week , or everyday.

I think it failed because of the late game content. They bring everyone to stick only at raids which should be only a part of your journey (and killed the exploration side of the game) //this failed a chance for returnees and new coming players. :tired:

Yeah, I get you, I used to come back to ToS Precisely because of this, but I think it was until I hit lvl 200 few years ago, that I had so many bonuses, so many rewards, so much help and popiup messages, that I quit, now the whole enhancement system is different too even, and they force you to start endgame.

They simply don’t get that all the previous content to story 12-1 is basically uninteresting and unuseful content right now? They can’t realize that they literally are shitting on their own game?

Early game feels amazing, you let yourself feel just how weak and noob you are, when you start with OP stats and having numbers everywhere, you barely realize what you’re doing in order to damage monsters and survive, at some point on story 13-1, you start getting your ass handled because monsters that are less level than you apparently hit harder than you can take AND YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHY.

They seriously need to cut all this crap, go back to the roots, YES, KEEP GIVING BOOST ITEMS, but focus on early game content ONLY damn.

I don’t know if this is true, but apparently every statue you discover gives you a stat point, do they not realize that if a player is sickened by their bullshit even before starting to explore, because they realize how ■■■■ of a game it is and that nobody is going to accompany them to explore, everyone just leaves without even realizing what’s going on?

New players need to be lvl 1, boost them if you want, we don’t care, to level 470 even if you want, BUT LOCK CONTENT BY PROGRESS LEVEL. Do not allow me to do End Game Quests as a newcomer, that’s just retarded.

It’s too far down the hole to even try to turn this game into an RPG again. All the things you talked about, creating a bond with your character, having the sense of progressing, learning along the way, we can all forget about it. It is just beyond fixing.

This an Errand game. A sort of glorified mobile game. You do the extra mini content to get the things you need for the rankings and that’s it.

What are the mini contents here?
DSCM - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Res Sacrae Dun - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Memory of Flame - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Challenge mode - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Bernice - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Heroic Tale - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Does it sound familiar? I’m sure you played a mobile game before.

Although the new raid is kinda fun, there is just nothing to do in this game. Except - kill waves of mobs and bosses get rewards for gear

Unless you enjoy suffering and call Bounty Hunts and Archeology Missions ‘Exploration’ , there is none in this game.

It is an RPG no longer, so yeah hence 460 jump card

I feel so sad for this game, everything in it is so pretty and colorful but… the devs dont seem to care for the game and the players any more… back then, it was so fun… and now, it is just a shell of the years passed…


I don’t get why people flagged your post, but I have to agree with you.

With IMC ‘Balancing’ talents there is no such thing as ‘Fine Tuning’.
It’s either get overnerfed or overbuffed. The earring mechanic sort of presents opportunities to force players into unique builds, but the RNG and the tedious way of getting them is unbelievable. MoF has no flavor, no inspiration, no creativity, that at this point everything is a Division Singularity rip-off.

Lastly, finally the true face of P2W has recently emerged. A mount that offers permanent damage stats. Although they may be unremarkable, what stat will come next might truly end this game’s life.

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There’s big different in just trying the game vs play the game regularly
Just trying the game won’t support this game life any further, try to buy tp maybe
Even being f2p won’t really support this game life, probably just so whales and veterans can have peasants to flex and look down into

Anyone can later judge whether the game worthy by first how lively it’s community, it’s economy, and lastly the rpg journey part
The chat is so dead, the market is so empty and the story updated like twice a year

I could tell my game nerd friends (again) who have similar taste like mine, that tos go even more crazier with it freebies, they will probably just try cause they respect me, most likely they won’t if Im not following up lol, then they will experience the in game situation themself and I won’t be surprised if they only play less than 24 hour.
It’s understandable.

Indeed partly to blame for that is a big part of the community, constantly complaining about the time and effort needed to acquire those items. Also IMC for taking the short road and not looking for better solutions, taking the easy way out.

We can clearly see the results of a huge mistake, the people who complained never stayed and what’s left is a broken unfixable game that used to be an RPG.

catch-up mechanics that are applied on most games and that guarantee the fact that you can quit and come back to enjoy the game. You guys are just burnt out.

Is the game the best game ever made? Nope, it has flaws and the early game is weird lowering the chance of people staying, but it’s not that bad of a game, you guys really exaggerate how bad things are.

This forum has literally been seized by a couple of individuals that spew negativity for years, you make big deals out of things that are a minor issue or the status quo of the mmorpg landscape pretending they are hellish ideas only IMC could conceive, there are even people flaming stuff that is literally meaningless months or years after quitting.

A huge mistake IMC has made was not banning Blackwargreymon, hereWeGoAgain and all the usual people that keep polluting this forum trying to make people NOT play the game by literally depicting an inflated apocalyptic view of the game.
Imagine being a potential player and reading this forum to check how the game is without knowing how distorted, jaded and biased are the comments, often made by people who don’t even play.

About the free gifts and events: these are literally the reason for why Tree Of Savior is now a game where if you are not interested into doing Hard Modes, you can LITERALLY play a couple of weeks, try most of the content, quit, and come back after 2-3 months to try more content/classes. It’s not “IMC showering gifts hoping you stay”, it’s IMC setting up an environment where the game can be enjoyed by people that want to hop on and try the new things every so often, rightfully so. They should’ve done this years ago.