Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

its most likely not cleric :confused:

I agree. I activate my new tomes just before boss dies


Is there any confirmation of how swell left/right got ‘fixed’? Right now, there’s no ‘secondary magic attack’ like there is for physical, so does swell right still give you matk with a dagger?


It will only increase secondary physical damage (for cannon, dagger, pistol), and physical def (if wearing shield). Please use staff for thauma after patch or use rod + shield. Rod + dagger useless.

Old swell right:
If wearing secondary weapon, Physical/Magic attack increase by […]

New swell right:
If wearing secondary weapon, Secondary Physical attack increase by […]


Thanks for confirming. RIP swell right.



IMC should do something more interesting with secondary weapons. Right now they’re just either stat sticks (usually inferior to shield for this purpose) or your primary weapon if you’re a class that has secondary weapon focused skills. Dumb design IMO.

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Imo that’s not dark enough, considering that Christianity basically purged the old Lithuanian gods.

If it was me, I’d have made Halloween into a happy festivity in the world of TOS while giving Christmas a really dark and gruesome atmosphere throughout the game, foreshadowing the near end of the culture of the Baltic states.

you are fun at parties are you not?


is there already any video of ppl using this new “Old golden socket” item? haven’t seen any yet

It will be a long time before itos gets the patch, but let’s assume you opened 0 sockets now and are 0 potential, will we be able to open all 5 or only with items obtained after that patch?

thats why i want video and i dont care if it fully korean
there around 3 of possible ways how this thing can be used and no confirm on how exactly
for example there possibly a way that this item only for old items that have 3 sockets max and if you have 3 opened and 0 pot you can open 2 more in it, there also a possibility that it works like you said.
but we need video to know exactly how it works.

So those costumes wont come to itos? :sad:
they have been on tos.neet since last week maintenance


Muay-Thai its a religious martial Art… Muay-Thai can not be understood without the religion, culture and spirituality that surrounds this discipline. Any student who is accepted as “interim” in a training camp, must spend a season of not less than 6 months learning and instructing himself in Buddhism in a monastery.

Muay-Thai comes from the ancient Thai martial art Muay Boran. Due to its age it is very difficult to date the muay boran, some say it originated in 200 a.c. by Buddhist monks. It is an art destined mainly for war and only occasionally used in controlled competitions. It is also believed that it originated from the krabi krabong, the art with traditional weapons complementary to the muay boran.

Wikipedia short story:


In 1774, in the Burmese city of Rangoon, the Burmese King Hsinbyushin (known in Thai as “King Mangra”) decided to organize a seven-day, seven-night religious festival in honor of Buddha’s relics. The festivities included many forms of entertainment, such as the costume plays called likay, comedies and farces, and sword-fighting matches. At one point, King Hsinbyushin wanted to see how Muay Boran would compare to the Lethwei (Burmese Boxing). Nai Khanomtom was selected to fight against the Burmese champion. The boxing ring was set up in front of the throne and Nai Khanomtom did a traditional Wai Kru pre-fight dance, to pay his respects to his teachers and ancestors, as well as the spectators, dancing around his opponent. This amazed and perplexed the Burmese people, who thought it was black magic. When the fight began, Nai Khanomtom charged out, using punches, kicks, elbows, and knees to pummel his opponent until he collapsed.

However the Burmese referee said the Burmese champion was too distracted by the dance, and declared the knockout invalid. The King then asked if Nai Khanomtom would fight nine other Burmese champions to prove himself. He agreed and fought them all, one after the other with no rest periods in between. His last opponent was a great kickboxing teacher from Rakhine. Nai Khanomtom mangled him by his kicks and no one else dared to challenge him.

King Mangra was so impressed that he allegedly remarked, “Every part of the Siamese is blessed with venom. Even with his bare hands, he can fell nine or ten opponents. But his Lord was incompetent and lost the country to the enemy. If he had been any good, there was no way the City of Ayutthaya would ever have fallen.”

King Mangra granted Nai Khanomtom freedom along with either riches or two beautiful Burmese wives. Nai Khanomtom chose the wives as he said that money was easier to find. He then departed with his wives for Siam. Other variations of this story had him also winning the release of his fellow Thai prisoners. His feat is celebrated every March 17 as Boxer’s Day or National Muay Boran Day in his honor and that of muay boran’s.[11]

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Never trust wikipedia because inaccurate and biaised infos.

an interesting discussion


What does that have to do with the fact that it is religious or not?


There is too much bullshit about muay thai origins and self made “history”.
If there was not a massive genocide in cambodgia, the masters would have gotten the facts straight from these muay thai fanatics fanboys and propaganda.

Hello friends,

Religion, theories and whatnot aside, kTEST has been updated once again. There are only minor changes for today, as things seem to be being prepared for the next balance patch that i suspect is coming in the nearby future. In any case, i’ve left a link to the translated notes below. Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

kTEST - 19/12/2017


Thauma unnerfed, yes!


if its religious then its definately cleric, also makes sense bcuz monk is already martial artist class. but cleric is already getting lama so idk

lama is a buddhist monk ( i belive) and im seeing people talk about buddhism here so maybe they changed lama>mauy thai?