Tree of Savior Forum

KToS General Thread v3.0 LOL

Hi, i understand what you’re saying about Kabba, but can you also see how strong +300% hp is with Paladins Barrier Devotion? You literally build a TANK with that. Full on tank that hits you back 100% with R7.

If it for PvE, definitely. I can totally see the potential.

Not a tank but a sponge. Now to get said sponge you would need to spend 6 ranks (paladin3 kaba3) leaving you 2 ranks for dps. In reality only 1 ranks is flexible as said sponge would need cleric 2 for healing. May as well go cleric 3 for another sponge ability in [guardian saint].

How is cleric3-paladin3-kabalist3 gonna do any significant damage even just to lv up in r9 content? In addition what r3 class can you take to help the leveling process (priest, bokor, deiv)?

Oh yes right, a SPONGE is a better term for that actually hahah. I think this build requires you to have a group or atleast a partner to be with. It will really be a pain the a** to level solo for sure, but with a dps partner(like glass cannon Doppel) i think it will be fun.

EDIT: If it were for me, i’ll take Kriv1 at Rank 3, for the Aukuras-Resto combo… but I guess that is not in the options anymore :frowning:

It will be a great sponge though. +300% MHP means your self heals are also +300% while ein sof: stacked healing will double that again for 800% healing. Who would even try to kill that?

other player fireballs
icewall works too


Yes… But that’s just one way to use it.
TOS doesn’t require someone to go full tank, you lose a lot of damages, R7 cannot be spammed and will only reflect one hit.
In PvE you don’t have the need for one. It’s a nice bonus to make the fight lazy and chill, but it isn’t necessary.
In GvG, the enemies’ hits will be too strong for the Paladin to stand long enough, I believe.
It might be nice in TBL though, but the enemies can still CC everybody (or the Paladin) out of the Barrier.
I still think that Barrier’s Devotion works much better with Ausrine or Mackangdal, not Ein Sof.
Kabbalist cannot stand on its own and its role is all over the place imo. That’s what I don’t like.

You know a fun Paladin duo ?
Palinquisitor with a Thaum-Warlock. Thaum buffs + Mastema (enemies take extra damages from Holy skills with it). My friend is a Thaum-lock, I have a Palinquisitor with a lame +7 1H Pevordimas Mace, with 100 invested STR. Bosses melt in one rotation or less… Even if they’re not devil type. Devil types just “poof”. And what does Inquisitor 2 bring ? A skill to turn enemies to devil/demon while also increasing Holy damages <3
(and you can still take Kabba 1 for +120% HP~)

So it can summon dark orbs from any object spell and monster?

the dark orbs just explode after short time. its just a graphic skill effect.
not like warlock spirits. see other webms

I know that what I mean is can it use on any object spell and monster right?

will it work with an ice wall?

don’t forget this is for everyone around aukuras, not just one person. As well we don’t even know if it also uses a persons natural hp recovery stat. Or whether it has a secret combo with another skill (such as restoration)

I’ld like to know if [aukuras] loses the recovery time reduction it currently has on live. That is the main selling point of the skill.

i guess so
can immobilize siaulai boss

It doesn’t, new C2 Krivis attribute allow you to remove recovery option and replace it with additional fire damage that scale on SPR

Not just spr, int as well
(215 + ((([Character INT] + [Character SPR]) ^ 0.9) × (1 + [Skill Level] / 15)) + ([Skill Level] × 43))

Well thats all true and I agree that TOS right now doesn’t really need that much sponge for PVE… having high HP all around is great nonetheless. I have a palainq myself, tried the devotion attrib, died instantly in a Saalus run lol hahaha.

I guess its really is more of a perspective. I love playing Devo type Pally back in RO, and knowing I can do the same here is reeally amazing. I don’t mind really dealing alot of damage on my own, and I have a brother playing a full berserker doppel so i guess our combo works haha.

Back to theory crafting, I might take Kabba 2 - Zealot 1, gotta bring that Sacrifice Pally huehueu. (IF Panathism’s(?) damage is good enough)

I’m just gonna quote myself from the ktest thread.

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BM seems like a pain in the butt to use if you need to recast this stance everytime you use skills from other trees. Looking at the QS3 video the twin pistol stance needed to be recast after buffing with swift step/overestimate/running shot etc.

I would suppose this throws hunter out the window for viable use with BM (aside from using it only for growling)? And a bit of a hassle too for any other class tbh. Though I have to confirm first, will active broom traps or falcon pre-emptive strike even use pistol atk power if you use this stance?

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any sign of master class details?

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